#acl HlpLabGroup,TanenhausLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read #format wiki #language en #pragma section-numbers 2 = Lab Scheduler = The lab scheduler will keep track of information about subjects and allow them to self-schedule using a web-based application. It is written in Python using the [http://www.djangoproject.com/ Django] framework. The UI is written in HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The backend might also include a separate (third party) calendaring system that is communicated with via JSON RPC. A rather old version is might be up at [https://www.hlp.rochester.edu/labscheduler/] but is likely down or misconfigured 99% of the time. I have set up a Trac for it at [http://trac.hlp.rochester.edu/labscheduler/] The source of the current (development) version is available via Bazaar if you already have an account on the HLP system: {{{ bzr checkout ~awatts/django_apps/labscheduler labscheduler }}} locally or {{{ bzr checkout bzr+ssh://username@slate.hlp.rochester.edu:/Users/awatts/django_apps/labscheduler labscheduler }}} remotely.