Python Psycholinguistic Experiments (PyPsyEx)

Goal: Create some Python classes for doing experiments with eye-trackers. [wiki:TanenhausLab/ExBuilder ExBuilder] works (sort of), but it'd be nice to have something in a known, supported language that's actually Turing complete (i.e. has proper conditionals and loops). This project has no official status, but every now and then as a break from other work I'll work on a couple of classes.

So far I have (partially):

What I have is available in Bazaar repositories. You must have an account on the HLP system to check these out. To access it use the commands:

bzr checkout bzr+ssh:// PyPsyEx

for the basic PyPsyEx and

bzr checkout bzr+ssh:// pytobii

for the Tobii wrappers.

If you are local, you can also do:

bzr checkout ~awatts/projectpath projectname

substituting projectpath and projectname as appropriate.

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