Attachment 'session_0.R'
Download 1 #### R resource file for Session 0
2 #### Regression Methods Mini-Course
3 #### HLP Lab, University of Rochester
4 #### Author: Austin F. Frank
5 #### May 27, 2008
7 ## The goal of this session is to make sure all participants are
8 ## comfortable entering commands and interpreting results in the R
9 ## environment.
11 ## The problems and data sets used in this session have been selected
12 ## to be useful for demonstrating R concepts, not for their utility in
13 ## teaching statistical concepts.
15 ######## Interacting with R and R files
17 ### Lesson 1: Characters that follow a # will never cause R to do
18 ### anything. # starts a "comment", which is a way of annotating
19 ### source code without changing the way the code runs.
21 ### Lesson 2: R commands can be entered at the command line.
23 ### Lesson 3: R commands can be sent from a file to the command line.
24 2 + 2
26 ### Lesson 4: Variables can be defined using a right arrow or a left
27 ### arrow.
28 a <- 4
29 5 -> b
30 a <- b
32 ### lesson 5: Functions are called using the name of the function and
33 ### a list of arguments enclosed in parentheses
34 citation() # no arguments
36 citation(package='lme4') # one optional argument
37 citation(pack='lme4') # same thing
39 length() # fails, missing required
40 # argument
41 length(letters)
43 ### lesson 6: Extra functionality for R comes in "packages" (also
44 ### called "libraries"). Packages need to be installed and loaded
45 ### before they can be used.
47 ## install a package
48 install.packages("ISwR", dependencies=TRUE)
50 ## load a library
51 library(ISwR)
53 ## update packages to the newest versions
54 ## update.packages() # don't actually run this now
56 ### lesson 7: An R session keeps track of two different environments:
57 ### the current directory, and the R workspace.
58 ## find out what directory we're working in
59 getwd()
61 ## look at the contents of the current directory
62 dir()
64 ## change the working directory
65 ## setwd("~/") # don't actually run this now
67 ## look at the R workspace
68 ls() # same as objects()
70 ## remove object from the workspace
71 rm(a) # same as remove(a)
72 ls()
74 ## useful but VERY POWERFUL VERY DANGEROUS command for completely
75 ## clearing the workspace
76 rm(list=ls(all = TRUE)) # USE WITH CAUTION
77 ls()
79 ### Lesson 8: R objects and the R workspace can be saved and reloaded
80 ### later
81 a <- 4
82 b <- 5
83 a_z <- letters
84 ls()
86 save(a, file="a.RData")
87 save.image(file = "tmp.RData")
89 rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))
90 ls()
91 load("a.RData")
92 ls()
93 a
94 load("tmp.RData")
95 ls()
96 a_z
98 ######## Getting help
99 ### Lesson 9: you can always get help, even if you don't know which
100 ### command you want help with
101 ## If you know the name of the command
102 help(ls) # same as ?ls
103 help("?") # same as ?"?"
105 ## If you remember part of the name
106 apropos("dir")
108 ## If you know a relevant word
111 ## If you know a relevant word and which package you're interested in
112"mcmc", package = "lme4")
114 ## If you want general help about a particular package
115 help(package="lme4")
117 ## If you just want to know which data sets are available from a
118 ## particular package
119 data(package="lme4")
121 ## If you want to search R mailing lists in addition to the
122 ## documentation
123 RSiteSearch("lmer p values")
125 ######## Loading data
126 ## Lesson 10: use functions that start with the word "read" to load
127 ## data that wasn't saved in an R-specific format
128 apropos("read")
130 ## read.csv() is probably the most commonly used
131 help("read.csv")
133 ## read.delim() is good for tab-delimited files.
134 help("read.delim")
136 ## If you have a file where fields are delimited by something other
137 ## than a comma or a tab, use the sep argument to read.delim()
139 ## read.csv() and read.delim() are just variants of the more general
140 ## function, read.table(). For an even more general way of loading
141 ## data, look at scan().
143 ## For more read functions, use the foreign package
144 help(package="foreign")
146 ######## Data structures
147 ### For all data structures, we want to know how to access a single
148 ### element and specific subsets of elements. Where appropriate, we
149 ### want to access entire rows and columns. We want to access data
150 ### structures by numbered dimensions, and by name when possible.
151 ### We also want general methods to explore unfamiliar data structures
152 ### or data sets.
154 ### Lesson 11: use str() and class() to explore data structures
155 ## class() returns the kind of thing that this is a list of
156 class(letters)
158 ## str() shows the elements of the vector in order and gives the range
159 ## of the indeces
160 str(letters)
162 ###### Vectors
163 ### Lesson 12: vectors are ordered 1-dimensional lists of numbers
164 ## use c() to combine elements into a vector
165 i <- c(1, 2, 3) # same as c(1:3)
166 m <- c(1, "b", 3, "d")
168 ### Lesson 13: access vectors with [[ and [
169 ## get the 1st through third elements of the vector
170 letters[1:3]
171 ## second and third elements
172 letters[c(2,3)]
173 ## get just the third element
174 letters[[3]]
175 ## exclude the first and second elements
176 letters[c(-1, -2)]
178 ###### Arrays
179 ### Arrays are vectors with named dimensions
180 i
181 names(i) <- c("first", "second", "third")
182 i.array <- as.array(i)
183 class(i.array)
184 str(i.array)
185 ### use dimnames to see names of dimensions
186 dimnames(i.array)
187 ### access the array by dimension name
188 i[c("first", "second")]
190 ###### Matrices
191 ### Matrices work just like arrays
193 ###### Data frames
194 ### This will be the interactive part, I guess
196 ###### S4 objects
197 ### used to store lots of results from complex methods
198 data(sleepstudy)
200 m <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject), sleepstudy)
201 m
202 str(m) # ahhhhhh!
203 slotNames(m)
204 m@ranef
205 ranef(m)
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