Guidelines for running experiments

1. Before you start an experiment

At least one month before running an experiment, the experimenter needs to check whether there is RSRB approval for the study they plan to conduct. In particular, is both the method and the language covered by valid RSRB approval? Will the approval still be valid throughout the entire expected duration of the study (which may take several months)? Will the experiment require [wiki:Self/HlpLab/ConsentForms consent forms] in a language that we do not yet have available (e.g. we have approval to run studies on Chinese, but only on Chinese speakers on campus, all of whom speak English, so we do NOT have a consent form in Chinese yet)?


If you have not gotten an EPRP (Ethical Principals in Research Program) number, please go to the [ EPRP website] and take the test to get one before you run any subjects and sign consent forms. It is mandatory that any faculty, grad students, post-docs, or staff who are on the protocol as investigators or co-investigators have one. It is a good idea even for the undergrads to get an EPRP number though, because you are required to have one if you ever run subjects for us, even though you most likely won't be on the protocol and consent forms.

3. Paying subjects

Money for paying subjects comes from Chris Dambra or Jennifer Gillis in the BCS office in Meliora 360. You can only get money or return payment forms from 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm Monday through Friday. Be sure to get the money before your subjects are scheduled.

Each subject must sign a payment form and provide their SSN and home address, which cannot be a P.O. Box or campus box. This also means that you can only run subjects that are authorized to work in the US. Make sure before you run them that they have an SSN. Payment forms are available from Andrew or Dana. Payment forms must be returned to Meliora 360, so the department can be reimbursed and we can keep getting money to pay subjects.

Each time you run a subject, you are required to get a consent form for them, even if they have run in experiments in the past, or even another day of the same experiment. (i.e. If you have a 5 day experiment, you need 5 consent forms for each subject.) The RSRB also now requires that we give each subject a copy of the consent form. Previously they only required that we offer the subject a copy. You can give them an unsigned consent form; you don't have to photocopy the signed one. Most subjects don't actually want a copy of the consent form, so please stress that we are required to give it to them, but inform them that if they don't want it they can leave it on the table on their way out.

For more info, see: [wiki:Self/HlpLab/ConsentForms consent forms]

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