Attachment 'principalComponent.R'
Download 1 library(languageR)
3 ## ---------------------------------------------------
4 # Lexical decision time data
5 #
6 # Q: How can we construct a good/ the best frequency
7 # estimate from a variety of sources?
8 ## ---------------------------------------------------
9 data(lexdec)
11 str(lexdec)
12 l <- aggregate(lexdec[,c('Frequency','BNCw','BNCc','BNCd')], by= list(Word = lexdec$Word), FUN= mean)
13 row.names(l) <- l$Word
14 l$Word <- NULL
16 p <- princomp(l, center=T)
18 # summary of principal components
19 summary(p)
20 plot(p, main="Screeplot of frequency components", xlab="Components", cex.lab=1.2)
22 # interpretation of principal components
23 biplot(p, col=c('darkgray','black'))
24 biplot(p, scale=0)
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