Lab Meeting, Autumn 2015, Week 10

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week





  1. submitted the audit. To do: update the wiki page for it
  2. Mainly worked in Chigusa's lab this week and prepped for a test


  1. Re-wrote VOT exaggeration specificity analysis for the miscommunication manuscript.

  2. Re-wrote major parts of the results and discussion sections of the miscommunication manuscript.

  3. Started proof-checking a manuscript for LCN publication.

  4. Revised/edited a few sections of the BCS 152 tutorial.

  5. Misc. BCS 152 class tasks.


  1. GLM analyses for speech imaging data.

  2. Applied for a few more jobs. (And did a phone interview).

  3. Re-wrote introduction for animals paper and drafted methods section.

  4. Ran some additional analyses using a full set of anatomical ROIs for the animals project and analyzed. Required a bit of re-factoring and number crunching.




  1. Finalized a nearly short-enough version of my Quals reading list.
  2. Finished running an 8 kid version of the new kid mammals task, in case you're wondering 7/8 kids picked the informatively modifying speaker.
  3. Set up a version of the task where the kids get no feedback, and are just told that if they guess right that they'll get the stickers at the end.
  4. Started watching all of the kid videos.
  5. Tried to find papers looking at how frequently parents use scalar / color adjectives in the presence of a contrast. Found debatably one. If you know of others I'd love to hear about it.

  6. Ran a sample task with the EyeTribe and the Eyelink with Linda. If I can ever get NumPy to update I'll be able to compare the data.

  7. Worked a little bit on the KinderLab Website.





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