Lab Meeting, Autumn 2015, Week 8

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

Interesting paper testing whether the timing of childrens' motor movements follow Fitts' law:

What we did over last week






  1. prepped and gave two lectures in BCS 152
  2. conferred with Anne Pier on the design of a eye tracking study
  3. edited materials for the SPR tutorial
  4. re-worked a bunch of distribution analyses for the JML paper
  5. delved into the phonetics literature for (lack of) invariant properties of voicing contrasts





  1. Learned about using random slope & random intercept mixed effects logistical regressions, and what to do when they don't converge. Spent a lot of time trying to wrap my head around what should be included in the random slope / intercept calculations.

  2. Helped my RA Val figure out the design of her study, which is coupled with:

  3. Tried to get everything set-up on one of the Kinder Lab tablet computers to run eye-tracking tasks with the EyeTribe

  4. Recorded a bunch of people for my new kid task, wound up using my own recordings.

  5. Made some puppet videos for my new study. Contemplating making a few blooper reels in my spare time.

  6. Set-up the new study so that my RAs can run kids this week, and I can tell you about it next week (this will be done by Monday, but is not currently done as of noon on Saturday).

  7. Revised the mammals paper to include the results from the new analyses (see: 1), and to accommodate for reviewer requests. Final draft to be submitted by Tuesday.


  1. Presented Levy (2008) for BCS 501

  2. Presented for my committee check up meting

  3. Coded Robbie's homework

  4. Met with Wednesday to discuss Robbie's project

  5. Worked on my NSF. I feel like I have great ideas, but not enough time to write it.

  6. Going over the BCS 152 exam with undergrads who took the text


  1. Coded up Clarke and Garrett style replication block for the BCS replication class.
  2. Added glossary words that Olga requested to BCS tutorial
  3. Presented in Robbie's class
  4. Met with Carol to discuss Robbie's final project. We're going to be working with Dave's fmri animal dataset.
  5. Currently prepping Bradlow & Bent replication Exp1 for live run! Working on sending out a version for feedback by the end of the weekend, maybe even today.

  6. Continued working on NSF. Goal is to have drafts by the end of the weekend.



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