Lab Meeting, Autumn 2015, Week 9

I'm going to be giving a really early, (likely really) rough run through of the talk I'm giving on November 15th at BUCLD. I'm giving a 20 minute talk on the last day of the conference (as the last speaker, of the last session, excluding symposiums...), on my studies looking at whether kids also track speaker-specific differences in informative language use. [ abstract ] - AP

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

Can faces prime a language? -DK

What we did over last week


  1. Edited Masha's paper for final corrections before proofs.

  2. Edited lots of CrowdExp Tutorial pages. Yay!

  3. Edited response to RSRB audit. I really need you guys to follow the rules more stringently. The rate of mistakes that experimenters and RAs make in this lab is unacceptable and keeps getting us into trouble. This ends up consuming considerable amounts of time and resources, as it requires us to justify ourselves in audit after audit.

  4. Accepted: Guillermo's paper on priming bilinguals, which he presented in our lab meeting! At Language Learning.

  5. Rejected: Heard back about Klinton's Cognition paper. Outright reject. Never had that before. James McQueen strikes again.

  6. Letters of recommendation: 19 this week (thereof 2 from scratch and 12 adjusted letters)
  7. Feedback on research and personal statement for: Linda, Wednesday, Zach, Nikki


  1. Drafted job application materials (finally).

  2. Continued writing/revising review/perspective paper on language processing as inference under uncertainty based on socio-indexical knowledge.

  3. A bunch of miscellaneous stimulus prep tasks


  1. BCS 152
  2. BCS 152
  3. BCS 152
  4. BCS 152
  5. BCS 152


  1. Fixed (hopefully) the navigation on the tutorial, fixed up some pages, created new pages, updated css
  2. As always so much more to do for the tutorial
  3. Drafted up an audit response for Florian to look over. Thought about long term implementations of the audit



  1. Applied for a bunch more jobs.

  2. Drafted introduction for animals paper and got feedback

  3. Reviewed (way way late) a paper for JML.

  4. Finished preprocessing and did the planned similarity-based analyses of phonetic adaptation fMRI data. First pass isn't encouraging but there's lots of other stuff to try :D



  1. Implemented and ran a new version of automatic naming with rotated probe
  2. Analyzed data from that new study and incorporated it into the working writeup
  3. Started thinking about how best to frame those studies for CUNY abstract
  4. Began running calibration norms on mechanical turk for adaptation study
  5. Finished up last minute fixes to lists and stimuli for exposure + test


  1. Submitted revisions to Frontiers on the mammals paper.

  2. Set up new kid task, which I will discuss on Tuesday.

  3. E-mailed a bunch of people the current draft of my Frontiers paper.

  4. Set up the EyeTribe on one of the Kinder Lab tablets. On Monday, hoping to try testing out the differences between the Eyelink and EyeTribe, and to see whether the pitfalls of the EyeTribe are really problematic for the kinds of kid tasks we want to be running.

  5. Started learning python and rmarkdown.

  6. Met with my RAs to discuss the task, feeling a lot better about their involvement in the lab.

  7. Worked on my BUCLD Presentation since I'll be doing a very early run through with you guys next week, and because I need to send the conference a draft by Friday to help prep the ASL interpreters for my talk.


  1. Met with BCS 152 undergrads for their tests and group projects
  2. Wrote drafts for the NSF
  3. Submitted Robbie's homework
  4. Coded up automatic list generation for subtitle project
  5. Raged against the dying of the light (and the lack of any good Android alarm clock apps)


  1. Drafted full versions of NSF proposal and personal statement.
  2. Worked on integrating feedback from Florian and Kodi regarding the experiment setup for the Bradlow and Bent replication
  3. Prepared experiment (in prog, but will be done by the weekend) for the undergraduate Clarke and Garrett replication efforts. Lots of emailing back and forth because some files were named incorrectly / had a .sound or .collection instead of .wav extension so were unusable.
  4. Worked on a better way to add post-exp questions.
  5. Brainstormed some studies to elicit gesture for the HRI work



  1. Prepared & gave presentation in KurTan lab meeting

  2. Solicited feedback from lots of different people on NSF research proposal

  3. Revised NSF research statement

  4. Wrote NSF personal statement

  5. Wrote project proposal for Robbie's class with Zach

  6. Revised sentences written by my RA, bugged a colleague to help with coding binomials

  7. Classes etc
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