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Editor: ZachBurchill
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Size: 2050
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Read [[http://search.proquest.com/docview/614479674?pq-origsite=360link&accountid=13567|Norris & McQueen (2008)]] and think about it!

Lab Meeting, Fall 2016, Week 2

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week





  1. Web page updates. Bye bye Dave, Esteban, (moved to alumni page and updated with current info) and Olga (removed). Hello Xin. Also updated Masha's job.
  2. Web site security updates. Used advice from tests on Mozilla Observatory to improve security on www to the extent I have control. (We do fail the HSTS test because we're a subdomain and UR doesn't force HSTS, but realistically we're good because we enforce it locally. And we fail one of the TLS cipher tests, because I'm not willing to cut off IE < 11 yet. And we lost points on the main test because I'm allowing inline JS and CSS on our pages.)

  3. Chugging along on CrowdExp bugs and feature requests.




  1. Worked on editing paper
  2. Met with Lauren about statistical learning via games.
  3. Digging through Dave's javascript code to try to implement new blocks.
  4. Gaby-related things


  1. Worked on edits, additional analysis, and creating nicer model output for pen in the mouth paper.
  2. Put together more of the experiment with Mike on causal reasoning about gesture. Currently figuring how what kind of output would be best for the analysis we want to run.
  3. Met with Xin and discussed the state of the BB08 project. Had a coworking session (this worked really well!) where we reasoned together about the most useful kind of graph to make to determine how to proceed.
  4. Met with Chelsea to talk about how Mike's lab handles Mechanical Turk experiments.



LabmeetingAU16w2 (last edited 2016-09-10 01:35:08 by FlorianJaeger)

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