Lab Meeting, Spring 2015, Week 10

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week


  1. Went through two more rounds of edits for paper with Gina Kuperberg on prediction.
  2. Edited through Esteban's paper again, so that we could resubmit it. Rewrote parts of introduction and cut out redundancy.
  3. Read reviews for paper with Guillermo Montero Melis and Manne Bylund and drafted response letter and strategy for revision.
  4. Provided further feedback on CUNY posters (Masha, Dave).
  5. Wrote all offer letters to prospective students and send out emails to students we couldn't make an offer to. This required an unusual amount of time this time around.
  6. Agreed on title for talk at workshop in Saarbruecken (this April).
  7. Finished two CogSci meta reviews.

  8. Edited/read through a few short abstracts for the upcoming artificial language learning conference (Basque Country) and a workshop in Sweden.
  9. Read through and provided feedback on Dave's thesis outline.
  10. Arranged dates for visits: HLP lab visit to Montreal; visit by Scott Seyfarth and Masha Fedzechkina to our lab.


  1. Cleaned out my Dropbox due to end of SpaceRace promotion.

  2. Continued my search for missing MTurk results files, and figured out why Masha's results files for the last two years have been a hot mess. Now I just have to figure out how to salvage them.
  3. Started looking into moving subject running system to MariaDB, because SQLLite is just not up to the task.
  4. Accidentally blew up subject running db (unrelated to above) and started merging dumps of archives to fix it.
  5. Cleaned up my Python script to load HITs and automatically add SQS notifications.
  6. Harassed Alex about getting us his human subject training from Hebrew University so he can stay on Adaptation protocol.
  7. Progress on Becky/Masha/Bozena language survey.
  8. Unzipped stimuli for Tal's new experiment, which I need to get up soon.


  1. Started the amendment to get the RAs on the protocol.
  2. Started thinking about the training for them on how to properly fill out and file a consent form for next weeks meeting (WoOoOoOo). Anyone who wants their RA trained on this important skill let me know...

  3. Working on learning JavaScript

  4. Spent a lot of time writing portions of the tutorial, proof reading what I had written before, reorganizing where I want things to go, staring at it, and thinking about general things before SPR



  1. Like Andrew, I too cleaned out my Dropbox due to end of SpaceRace promotion.

  2. Finalized CUNY poster after more feedback (thanks, guys!)
  3. Wrote up skeleton of my dissertation 😅😬🙀

  4. Finalized adaptation imaging experimental scripts

  5. Updated Rpackages wiki page (reorganized, added new hadleyverse packages, and updated instructions for installing packages from source using devtools).

  6. [WIP] started major re-write of imaging analysis classifier functions/interface.



  1. Met with Chigusa from two different time zones
  2. Asked Olga to make new images for the (perhaps) final task of the Mammals project
  3. Listened to the recordings for the project with Zach, and thought about recording the stim myself
  4. Finished grading for Lang Dev
  5. Explored Mexico City


  1. Finished CUNY poster, submitted it to print
  2. Made Google Drive folder for easy coordination with RAs
  3. Played with pilot stimuli recorded with Sarah last week
  4. Did hella reading for auditory perception exam
  5. Decided to do review article for LLC, figured out tentative title
  6. Took the *subtle* hint and opened a linkedin
  7. Worked on learning Python
  8. Did not regret celebrating Pi Day


  1. Finalized / recorded stimuli for the Zamanda project
  2. Recorded stimuli for Kamide project
  3. Got the barebones of the GoT project ready and revamped
  4. Did a lot of work with the eye-tracker and pygaze
  5. Got a UR Box account
  6. Read most of K&J

  7. Regretted celebrating St. Patrick's Day


  1. Worked on PyGaze stuff and started coded the Kamide replication with Zach.

  2. Created a new 11-step continuum for s-sh.
  3. Emailed Matt Huenerfauth at RIT regarding sign language and ASL animation. (He responded with a, "I'm busy this week, will respond in detail next week")
  4. Graded a huge bunch of papers on lg and innateness for Steve's class.
  5. Ran causal inference exp on 16 participants on new s-sh continuum
  6. Got data for the above. Summary forthcoming.
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