Differences between revisions 1 and 10 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2015-03-31 17:02:15
Size: 560
Editor: slate
Revision 10 as of 2015-04-06 04:23:14
Size: 4667
Editor: ZachBurchill
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 1. Edited paper with Joe Toscano on phonological category acquisition and unsupervised learning in adults and we agreed on the final steps before it can be resubmitted to ''Cognitive Science''. (20pp)
 2. Edited introduction to Alex Fine's paper. (see last week) and sent feedback to him. (6pp)
 3. Read through introduction to Esteban's paper and sent feedback to him. (4pp)
 4. Wrote missing parts of introduction and discussion (3pp), did some new graphs, and edited through rest of paper with Dan Gildea.
 5. Wrote section for paper with Beth Hume, Andy Wedel, and Kathleen Hall (6pp)
 6. Reviewed paper for ''Language'' (13pp)
 7. Reviewed grant for NSF-LIN (15pp)
 8. Met with Kodi Weatherholtz, Evileen, and Katrin to talk about syntactic priming in production, alignment with avatars, and other ways to investigate social alignment. T'was fun.
 9. Wrote blog post about CUNY plenary, as well as, Q&A, and posted it.
Line 17: Line 26:
 1. Cleaned up Masha's results files so the demographic data is extractable  1. Cleaned up Masha's results files so the demographic data is extractable (non-trivial)
 2. More changes to my MTurk demographic processing script to clean data and add columns
 3. Hand cleaned data that couldn't be script cleaned and then generated pivot tables with info for RSRB continuing review to give to Olga
Line 20: Line 31:
 1. Updated the findings, now to upload the papers.
 2. Started the demographic section of the continuing review
 3. Sent out forms to the RAs (which I need to recheck) about staying here for the summer, sent a form to Kodi to see if he needs RA help this summer. Please fill out the form if you need RA help this summer!
 4. Tutorial. Added things, figuring out how to make a glossary page, proof reading.
=== Esteban ===
Line 21: Line 37:
=== Esteban ===  1. Read some literature about printed word eye tracking studies
 1. Learned how to set up a printed word study for from AP
 1. Meet with Bethany to eventually run the study
 1. Meet with an independent study group about SPR
 1. Continued stimuli creation
 1. Planned out two studies for DISSERTATION
 1. Read for class
 1. Re-wrote blog post to be less critical
 1. Planned out norming study with Maryam
 1. Got a cold
 1. Got over cold
Line 30: Line 56:
 1. Got a cold.
 1. Got assigned a talk at both MXPrag (Berlin, June) and CogSci (Pasadena, July) on the speaker-specific generalization project (mammals), with both kids (MXPrag) and adult data (CogSci).
 1. Held emergency office hours for the Lang Dev exam.
 1. Set up the groups for Lang Dev
 1. Re-wrote my grant proposal, despite being super sick. Wound up with a much better, but incomplete draft.
 1. Chatted with Zach about our project.
 1. Chatted with Mike and Chigusa about my grant, quals, and these talks.
 1. Emailed Masha re: her quals list in prep of making my list.
 1. Figured out how to use a Praat script to extract the time points in my recordings for the naming eye-tracking study. Found two resources for Praat scripts: 1) [[http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/faciliti/facilities/acoustic/praat.html|Praat Script Resources]], 2) [[http://www.helsinki.fi/~lennes/praat-scripts/#labeling|The Speech Corpus Toolkit for Praat]].
 1. Almost recovered from my cold.
Line 32: Line 68:
 1. Thought a lot
 1. Did everything I'm referenced having done in other people's updates
 1. Worked on that friggin' NLP assignment. Protip: listen to Florian when he tries to dissuade you from taking certain classes next time.
 1. Wrote up reasons why my project is good. Talked to Chigusa, went back, and questioned those reasons
 1. Bleeeeeh
Line 34: Line 75:
 1. Cross validated the work RAs did on image labeling task
 1. Ran more subjects for Exp3 to make up for excluded participants - woohoo, pen in hand vs mouth effect reaches significance.
 1. Talked to Florian about running Exp4 for causal stuff. Differs from Exp3 in that shifted continuum using steps 11-16 (Exp3 used 14-19); there are two exposure and two test blocks; three conditions - ambiguous cause, non-ambig cause, no info; shorter test phases (7 on each step instead of 10); more extensive post experimental survey.
 1. Coded up above; currently running 96 peeps on MTurk (answering turker emails while watching Wisconsin v Kentucky, fun times).
 1. Met with new RA (Rachel)
 1. Did more work with PyGaze

Lab Meeting, Spring 2015, Week 13

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week


  1. Edited paper with Joe Toscano on phonological category acquisition and unsupervised learning in adults and we agreed on the final steps before it can be resubmitted to Cognitive Science. (20pp)

  2. Edited introduction to Alex Fine's paper. (see last week) and sent feedback to him. (6pp)
  3. Read through introduction to Esteban's paper and sent feedback to him. (4pp)
  4. Wrote missing parts of introduction and discussion (3pp), did some new graphs, and edited through rest of paper with Dan Gildea.
  5. Wrote section for paper with Beth Hume, Andy Wedel, and Kathleen Hall (6pp)
  6. Reviewed paper for Language (13pp)

  7. Reviewed grant for NSF-LIN (15pp)
  8. Met with Kodi Weatherholtz, Evileen, and Katrin to talk about syntactic priming in production, alignment with avatars, and other ways to investigate social alignment. T'was fun.
  9. Wrote blog post about CUNY plenary, as well as, Q&A, and posted it.



  1. Cleaned up Masha's results files so the demographic data is extractable (non-trivial)
  2. More changes to my MTurk demographic processing script to clean data and add columns
  3. Hand cleaned data that couldn't be script cleaned and then generated pivot tables with info for RSRB continuing review to give to Olga


  1. Updated the findings, now to upload the papers.
  2. Started the demographic section of the continuing review
  3. Sent out forms to the RAs (which I need to recheck) about staying here for the summer, sent a form to Kodi to see if he needs RA help this summer. Please fill out the form if you need RA help this summer!
  4. Tutorial. Added things, figuring out how to make a glossary page, proof reading.


  1. Read some literature about printed word eye tracking studies
  2. Learned how to set up a printed word study for from AP
  3. Meet with Bethany to eventually run the study
  4. Meet with an independent study group about SPR
  5. Continued stimuli creation
  6. Planned out two studies for DISSERTATION
  7. Read for class
  8. Re-wrote blog post to be less critical
  9. Planned out norming study with Maryam
  10. Got a cold
  11. Got over cold





  1. Got a cold.
  2. Got assigned a talk at both MXPrag (Berlin, June) and CogSci (Pasadena, July) on the speaker-specific generalization project (mammals), with both kids (MXPrag) and adult data (CogSci).

  3. Held emergency office hours for the Lang Dev exam.
  4. Set up the groups for Lang Dev
  5. Re-wrote my grant proposal, despite being super sick. Wound up with a much better, but incomplete draft.
  6. Chatted with Zach about our project.
  7. Chatted with Mike and Chigusa about my grant, quals, and these talks.
  8. Emailed Masha re: her quals list in prep of making my list.
  9. Figured out how to use a Praat script to extract the time points in my recordings for the naming eye-tracking study. Found two resources for Praat scripts: 1) Praat Script Resources, 2) The Speech Corpus Toolkit for Praat.

  10. Almost recovered from my cold.


  1. Thought a lot
  2. Did everything I'm referenced having done in other people's updates
  3. Worked on that friggin' NLP assignment. Protip: listen to Florian when he tries to dissuade you from taking certain classes next time.
  4. Wrote up reasons why my project is good. Talked to Chigusa, went back, and questioned those reasons
  5. Bleeeeeh


  1. Cross validated the work RAs did on image labeling task
  2. Ran more subjects for Exp3 to make up for excluded participants - woohoo, pen in hand vs mouth effect reaches significance.
  3. Talked to Florian about running Exp4 for causal stuff. Differs from Exp3 in that shifted continuum using steps 11-16 (Exp3 used 14-19); there are two exposure and two test blocks; three conditions - ambiguous cause, non-ambig cause, no info; shorter test phases (7 on each step instead of 10); more extensive post experimental survey.
  4. Coded up above; currently running 96 peeps on MTurk (answering turker emails while watching Wisconsin v Kentucky, fun times).
  5. Met with new RA (Rachel)
  6. Did more work with PyGaze


LabmeetingSP15w13 (last edited 2015-04-06 14:52:23 by 128)

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