Lab Meeting, Spring 2015, Week 9

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week

Folks, as we're piloting the "what we did last week" part, I have a suggestion. What do you think about not reporting regular meetings (class, reading groups, etc.) and preparation for that? I think other readings we did should be mentioned or readings (in whatever context) that we will were really interesting. Actually, let's have a separate section for this (even if it's often empty). I added one above.


  1. Worked with Esteban on finishing his submission to the JML special issue on production/comprehension (by Frank Huettig and Antje Meyers). Edited through a few versions. Due today.
  2. Worked with Dave to submitted revised proofs for his PsychReview paper.

  3. Edited through letter to editor for Tal Linzen's resubmission (on entropy, entropy reduction, and surprisal in sentence processing).
  4. Edited through paper with Gina Kuperberg for special issue on prediction in language processing for LCN. We are close, but there are still some issues that need to be addressed.
  5. Provided further poster feedback for CUNY. Some posters are done (Fraundorf and Jaeger; Craycraft and Jaeger; Seyfarth, Buz, and Jaeger). Thank you to all of you for getting things in so early.All other CUNY posters are now overdue. Please make sure that I have a completed draft by Wednesday this week. Thank you.

  6. Open house, ensuing discussions and so on. Very time consuming, but --I think-- worth it.
  7. Wrote one letter of recommendation for one of our fabulous RAs, and another letter for a BCS major.
  8. Gina Kuperberg's R01 got funded (third percentile!) and I'm now a consultant on it. The grant also will fund work on modeling of adaptation at the semantic/lexical level, for anyone who's interested.
  9. Went to meet with one of the candidates for the new Dean of the Arts and Sciences.
  10. Met with Greg DeAngelis about Faculty Annual Report, and we discussed the future of BCS 152 and how to teach it. There might be further co-teaching opportunities. Greg was on board with the changes Esteban and I made and supported pushing forward on integrating more research experience into this class.


  1. Started collecting all MTurk results files into a common location to make worker counting and demographic data summarizing easier/possible.
  2. Cleaned up and modified my demographic data summarizing code.
  3. Resumed work on language survey for Becky's and Bozena/Masha's experiments. Using to handle the fact that most questions need to be generated based on languages chosen.
  4. Got UR IT to give me a UR Box account, since the Dropbox Space Race promotion expired.


  1. Finished a project for Florian
  2. Worked on the tutorial
  3. Met with Zach and Linda's RA's briefly to go over HRMS hours with them
  4. Answered said RA's questions about HRMS and being home via e-mail


  1. Read for M.A.G.I.C
  2. Sent updated draft of NRSA Significance to Sarah Creel
  3. Had lunch with prospectives
  4. Met with, and trained, a new RA for SET speech act annotations
  5. Met with Greg DeAngelis about teaching BCS classes in the 2015/2016 school year.






  1. Finished the sentence stimuli for Project Zamanda
  2. Started coding up some stuff for George R. R. Martin binomial analysis (for funsies)
  3. Met with RAs
  4. Getting Vera Demberg stimuli
  5. Finally going through K&J


  1. Ran small causal inference exp 1 on mturk (16 participants)
  2. Looked at data from above [short version: clear s-sh adaptation yay. but ceiling effect for sh boo]
  3. Held office hours; told Steve I'd give the low-level vision lecture for his class; started reading up on low-level vision.
  4. Finished tagging assignment for NLP
  5. Abandoned the purity of the command line. went/am going through some R-Studio/R tutorials to become an R-ista.
  6. Went to the chiropractor with Zach #yelpelite #neckmassage
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