Lab Meeting, Spring 2016, Week 14

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

For Kodi, Linda, Flo, and I: "Phonetic recalibration of speech by text" --ZJB

Newish paper by Zamuner, Morin-Lessard, Strahm, & Page on whether and how producing new words leads to changes in comprehension: --EXB

Definitely not inspiring, but I thought some people might want to look at the code I made for automatically comparing nuisance factors in glmer models quick_chi_squareds.R --ZJB



  1. Continued analyzing data for follow up to Bradlow and Bent (2008)
  2. Continued analyzing data for project on socially-mediated syntactic alignment
  3. Prepped data viz tutorial for Scott Grimm's data science for linguistics class
  4. Learned about various R packages and functions for creating complex multi-panel graphs: gridExtra, ggExtra, cowplot, ggMarginal
  5. Copious administrative miscellany: e.g., coordinated remote presentation for invited colloquia in Spain; coordinated co-teaching arrangement for BCS 156 this fall


  1. Played Ahab to a white whale of a bug in the Alien Language Learning app. I'm 99% git bisect has helped me figure out what the bug is, but now I have to figure out how to fix it. Update: 2016-04-19, bug appears to be squashed.


  1. Continuing on the skype meeting scheduling
  2. Updating post doc things
  3. Thinking about the tutorial but won't be able to get back to it until finals week/ senior week
  4. MIA this week due to final assignments and exams. E-mail me if you do need something from me.


  1. Read the papers in the JML special issue on

  2. Lead KurTan meeting w/ Amanda and Alyssa

  3. Started churning through some data Andy Wedel sent me for the meta-analysis.
  4. Continued editing the meta-analysis to include some speaker normalization for VOTs.
  5. Created dissertation skeleton 💀






  1. Helped Maryam with some code
  2. Continuing writing subtitle paper
  3. Did this analysis thing with nuisance variables and controlling them. Still don't know the concise term for it.
  4. Corrected some typos in Hadley Wickham's purrr
  5. Read more about the auditory store and phon. loop
  6. Learned about nonstandard evaluation in R.


  1. Worked on pen in mouth writing and analysis.
  2. Ran and analyzed more tongue twister experiment.
  3. Got 4 disc version of tower of hanoi task. Still working on adding in pegs.
  4. Edited stimuli for dual gesture task with Mike.
  5. Thais's birthday!



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