Lab Meeting, Spring 2016, Week 4

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)




  1. Converted Kodi's SocAlign1 experiment from being a WebOb app to a Flask app as the first upgrade step on the way to dumping the dead-as-a-doornail Wami in favor of native WebAudio API.








  1. Turned 25
  2. Ran and preliminarily analyzed subtitle conditions for subtitle talk experiment
  3. Proofread some papers
  4. Finished and submitted Cogsci paper


  1. Went through latest edited images for Syntactic Adaptation Experiment 2 and made further notes about edits to RAs. Made a few new scenes and sentences.
  2. Looked into OpenSesame (basically a open-source, drag-and-drop experiment builder type of thing with support for PyGaze). Worked through the tutorial. Decided eh, it's not actually easier than coding in raw python if you already know python, though it might be a good option for lab-based, SIMPLE, non-eyetracking experiments.

  3. Wrote up a few stimuli for the Causal Inference Tongue Twister idea. Provided RAs with instructions to write a few more. Trying to keep the sentences decently not absurd, and it's hard!
  4. Did a mock trial of blending R and L in Tandem -- sounds pretty good. (Basically, from an email from Gary Dell and an article he referenced, we determined R and L to be the sounds highly involved in speech errors, so will use it for the above experiment.)
  5. Working on getting PyGazeAnalyser. Basically 0 documentation, but I have hope. Still in prog.

  6. Brainstormed (w. Iris & Chigusa) task AXB online task.



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