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Revision 1 as of 2015-05-15 17:03:35
Size: 483
Editor: dhcp-10-5-4-11
Revision 9 as of 2015-07-12 17:44:25
Size: 4332
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 * [[http://mran.revolutionanalytics.com/open/ | Revolution R Open]], an enhanced (and faster) R. Works with RStudio. Haven't explored it fully myself but it was highly recommended by Martijn Wieling. -LL
 * [[http://linguisticdata.github.io/ | The Language Goldmine]], large collection of online language datasets, sortable by language and keyword -LL
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=== Chigusa ===  1. '''Edited''' Guillermo's revised paper on priming ad-hoc language-based categories and how this affects a non-verbal task (similarity ratings of visually presented events).
 1. '''Edited''' Norcliffe, Harris, & Jaeger introduction to special issue on ''Laboratory in the field''. Thanks to Lis's beautiful review of this historical impact of cross-linguistic psycholinguistics, we're now close to completing this issue ... after more than 2 years!
 1. '''Edited''' Hume, Wedel, Hall & Jaeger paper on an information theoretic approach to phonology. There's still more work to be done than I thought. I started outlining what sections I'll need to write.
 1. '''Edited''' Kodi's almost complete draft of Weatherholtz & Jaeger on invariance, normalization, and adaptation. To be submitted this week.
 1. '''Edited''' the grant proposal that Scott Fraundorf and I have been working on. We've gotten rid of one line of research and polished the remaining two goals. I think it's shaping up to be an interesting and competitive proposal, but it's hard to know with the funding levels today.
 1. '''Feedback''' to Zach on his project on ''What's in an accent?'' -- a simulation of the consequences of multiple shifted phonetic continua on the information still available in context.
 1. '''Read and replied to''' letter by the editor for Kuperberg & Jaeger on the role of prediction in language processing.
 1. Have been emailing back and forth with Catherine Best to think about what kinda of recordings exactly we would want the different sites (Sydney, York, London, Newcastle, and Christchurch) to collect.
 1. '''Received''' a draft by Maryam of her review paper on talker- and group-specific expectations in speech perception and beyond.
 1. '''Received''' a draft of the revisions for Buz & Jaeger's on the effects of phonological neighborhood density on lexical planning and articulation. Esteban is still identifying additional places to cut the discussion, which has gotten rather long. Then I'll edit through it.
 1. '''Received''' draft of paper by Geertje and Monique (Flecken) on the work on linguistic relativity (the "standing" and "lying" experiment).
 1. Met with Chigusa to talk about her grant proposal.
 1. Emailed with with Jessamyn Schertz about when to write an NSF/NRSA post-doc proposal. Seems like October (NSF) and December (NRSA) are our target deadlines.

=== Kodi ===
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  1. Helped Zach get his and Linda's experiment closer to working
  2. Worked with Olga on improving the [[https://www.hlp.rochester.edu/resources/BCS152-Tutorial/TestBCSDesign.html|BCS152 Tutorial page]]
  3. Updated the ComputingEnvironment page
  4. Ordered a new web server based on an i3 [[http://www.gigabyte.us/products/product-page.aspx?pid=5324#ov|Gigabyte Brix]]
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  1. Met with Andrew to figure out Source Tree and how to do all the push pull stuff. Talked to him about the things that we needed to do
  2. Fixed the nav bar, created new pages to be populated, created the resources page, put in some sample material, will discuss with Andrew later about migrating it on a webpage hosting site
  3. Called Kathy Buckwell about the participation issue and when participation actually starts. Got a vague response. Working on editing everything in order to make it clear what the criteria for each study should be. Can bring this up in lab meeting but maybe not enough to just say native English speaker, should specify that no bilingual speakers should be doing these studies.

Lab Meeting, Summer 2015, Week 10

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

  • Revolution R Open, an enhanced (and faster) R. Works with RStudio. Haven't explored it fully myself but it was highly recommended by Martijn Wieling. -LL

  • The Language Goldmine, large collection of online language datasets, sortable by language and keyword -LL

What we did over last week


  1. Edited Guillermo's revised paper on priming ad-hoc language-based categories and how this affects a non-verbal task (similarity ratings of visually presented events).

  2. Edited Norcliffe, Harris, & Jaeger introduction to special issue on Laboratory in the field. Thanks to Lis's beautiful review of this historical impact of cross-linguistic psycholinguistics, we're now close to completing this issue ... after more than 2 years!

  3. Edited Hume, Wedel, Hall & Jaeger paper on an information theoretic approach to phonology. There's still more work to be done than I thought. I started outlining what sections I'll need to write.

  4. Edited Kodi's almost complete draft of Weatherholtz & Jaeger on invariance, normalization, and adaptation. To be submitted this week.

  5. Edited the grant proposal that Scott Fraundorf and I have been working on. We've gotten rid of one line of research and polished the remaining two goals. I think it's shaping up to be an interesting and competitive proposal, but it's hard to know with the funding levels today.

  6. Feedback to Zach on his project on What's in an accent? -- a simulation of the consequences of multiple shifted phonetic continua on the information still available in context.

  7. Read and replied to letter by the editor for Kuperberg & Jaeger on the role of prediction in language processing.

  8. Have been emailing back and forth with Catherine Best to think about what kinda of recordings exactly we would want the different sites (Sydney, York, London, Newcastle, and Christchurch) to collect.
  9. Received a draft by Maryam of her review paper on talker- and group-specific expectations in speech perception and beyond.

  10. Received a draft of the revisions for Buz & Jaeger's on the effects of phonological neighborhood density on lexical planning and articulation. Esteban is still identifying additional places to cut the discussion, which has gotten rather long. Then I'll edit through it.

  11. Received draft of paper by Geertje and Monique (Flecken) on the work on linguistic relativity (the "standing" and "lying" experiment).

  12. Met with Chigusa to talk about her grant proposal.
  13. Emailed with with Jessamyn Schertz about when to write an NSF/NRSA post-doc proposal. Seems like October (NSF) and December (NRSA) are our target deadlines.



  1. Helped Zach get his and Linda's experiment closer to working
  2. Worked with Olga on improving the BCS152 Tutorial page

  3. Updated the ComputingEnvironment page

  4. Ordered a new web server based on an i3 Gigabyte Brix


  1. Met with Andrew to figure out Source Tree and how to do all the push pull stuff. Talked to him about the things that we needed to do
  2. Fixed the nav bar, created new pages to be populated, created the resources page, put in some sample material, will discuss with Andrew later about migrating it on a webpage hosting site
  3. Called Kathy Buckwell about the participation issue and when participation actually starts. Got a vague response. Working on editing everything in order to make it clear what the criteria for each study should be. Can bring this up in lab meeting but maybe not enough to just say native English speaker, should specify that no bilingual speakers should be doing these studies.









LabmeetingSU15w10 (last edited 2015-07-13 17:23:26 by dhcp-10-5-7-51)

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