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 1. '''Edited''' Dave's paper for a final round and then read through his letter to the editor. To be '''submitted''' this week.
 1. Read through Linda's most recent result reports. Remind me during lab mtg that I'd like to brainstorm a bit with you guys about them. I think there are some potentially rather puzzling things going on, though there's also reason to be hopeful that the results make sense.

Lab Meeting, Summer 2015, Week 8

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week


  1. Edited introduction to Esteban's paper on phonological neighborhood density. I think it's better than the version I had outlined before. So, a bit of a detour, but hopefully worth it.

  2. Edited Dave's paper for a final round and then read through his letter to the editor. To be submitted this week.

  3. Read through Linda's most recent result reports. Remind me during lab mtg that I'd like to brainstorm a bit with you guys about them. I think there are some potentially rather puzzling things going on, though there's also reason to be hopeful that the results make sense.



  1. After a lot of back and forth finally got the flyer for the eye-tracking experiment formatted.
  2. Figured out the kinks in using the REDcap system with SONA.
  3. Tutorial : Working on making the navigation bar highlight the tabs. Can make it do it on a separate document, just not on the template... Working on finding the javascript code to ask questions. Finding the javascript code in order to highlight definitions. Found another site for scripts outside jQuery and Bootstrap, hotscripts.



  1. A (maybe, really, truly) final round of edits on the selective adaptation paper, including writing a cover letter etc. etc.
  2. Documented the data in the R package I released on github for the supervised/unsupervised distributional learning experiment (so that Alex Fine can use it as an example dataset in a regression class). If you'd like to download it and play with it yourself, you can grab it using devtools: install.packages('devtools'); library(devtools); devtools::install_github('kleinschmidt/phonetic-sup-unsup'); library(supunsup); dat <- supunsup::supunsup_clean; ?supunsup

  3. Generated some results figures for the animal category learning experiment (MDS plots of neural similarity based on cross-validated hybrid anatomical/functional ROIs).
  4. Planned out next set of analyses for the animals.







LabmeetingSU15w8 (last edited 2015-06-29 05:05:30 by cpe-67-247-165-44)

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