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Editor: ZachBurchill
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A helpful [[http://www.rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/data-wrangling-cheatsheet.pdf]|[cheat sheet]], useful for somebody who's slowly getting the hang of what ggplot wants in a dataset. --Z. A helpful cheat sheet, useful for me, who's slowly getting the hang of what ggplot wants in a dataset.

Lab Meeting, Summer 2015, Week 9

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

A helpful cheat sheet, useful for me, who's slowly getting the hang of what ggplot wants in a dataset. http://www.rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/data-wrangling-cheatsheet.pdf

  • --Z.

What we did over last week


  1. Feedback on Zach's project: "What's in an accent? Estimating joint (super-linear) increases in confusability due to multiple shifted phonetic continua".
  2. Feedback on Linda's most recent whale-like study of causality (320 participants, of which 120 are usable ..., but the results are there if one looks only at the first few block of testing).
  3. Feedback on Maryam's outline for her review paper on speech perception.
  4. Feedback on Masha's most recent set of studies on constituent length and ordering preferences. Long story short ;): Masha finds long before short ordering in verb-final (SOV/OSV-varying) languages but short before long in verb-initial (VSO/VOS-varying) languages! A really nice and clear finding.




  1. Got the test question portion running of the tutorial
  2. Met with Florian to discuss the template, is a go after the bugs are fixed
  3. Met with Andrew, created a github account, made the tutorial under version control, got the source tree app, and identified the three major things that need to be fixed. After Andrew takes a look at it will work on making revisions.
  4. Created a timeline for the rest of July for the Tutorial progression
  5. Looked into what the RAs should be working on/ what type of work they're doing. Waiting for a response
  6. Started my Data Structures class and cried a little on the inside.



  1. Took notes on Meghan's tips on using STRAIGHT to generate continua and updated the tutorial README with the take-aways.

  2. Submitted position paper on selective adaptation as distributional learning (FINALLY), and posted submitted version to academia.edu

  3. Cleaned up some fMRI analysis code for doing hybrid functional/anatomical ROIs, and started on (please, God) a final set of analyses for the animals.
  4. Met with Kodi to get each other up to speed on current and (hopefully) future projects.





1. Turned in second draft of accent modeling project. 1. Thank God for Stackexchange. 1. Meghan Clayards meeting. 1. Got sick. 1. Had a cool talk with Darcy. 1. Coded up some stuff to automatically control word durations for my pupillometry experiment.



LabmeetingSU15w9 (last edited 2015-07-06 23:09:57 by FlorianJaeger)

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