#acl HlpLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read #format wiki #pragma section-numbers 2 #language en = How to make a link to /p in your home directory = 1. Open a Terminal on a Mac, or ssh into slate 2. If you aren't in your home directory ```cd ~``` 3. ```ln -s /p p``` This makes a symbolic link called ```p``` in the current directory to ```/p``` = How to mount /p as a drive in Windows = In Windows Explorer: 1. Tools -> Map Network Drive... 2. Pick a drive letter. (```P:``` works nicely) 3. For the folder, enter ```\\slate.hlp.rochester.edu\p``` 4. Click Finish This only works if you are on one of the PCs in the lab or your laptop is connected to the hlpwireless access point.