## page was renamed from OldVnew #acl HlpLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read #format wiki #language en #pragma section-numbers 2 = A comparison of the experiments = || || Old || Expt 2 || Expt 1 || || Length || 96 trials || 126 trials || 96 trials || || Communication task? || yes, with Katrina as partner || no || no || || Memory task? || recall task of 40 items || pictures -> labels || pictures -> labels || || Training? || see list of pictures with labels for 2 minutes || 40 objects, 4 names repeated twice <
> Part 1: See picture, hear name twice <
> Part 2: Test for label, hear name again || 40 objects at a time, 80 total <
> Part 1: See picture, hear name twice <
> Part 2: Test for label, hear name again || || #Experimental Trials || 55 || 58 || 72 || || #Fillers || 42 || 72 || 16 || || Nature of Exptl Trials || 4 gi-primes, 2 ga-primes, 6 ha-primes plus their frequency matched words to use as a comparison. I was pretty new at this at the time. || 3x3 design <
> Patti, Hannah, Gabe X hand give or pass X objects beginning with ha, ga, pa, or something else entirely || 2x design <
> every verb pair has 4 sets of objects... used transitive verbs that could be described in at least 2 ways. 2 verbs prime for the one interpretation, 2 for the other, and the other 4 objects are frequency matched objects to give a base rate. Includes 12 hgp trials, 4 toss trials and 6 other verb pairs || || Nature of Fillers || toss, throw, show, and offer trials with a balanced number of verbs and characters || 18 super-strong phonological priming trials for transitive verbs, 56 transitive verbs hum-hum among 12 different verbs! most trials include Simon as the agent || 4 transitive verbs... Simon kicks, pulls, pushes, or touches a woman or a boy || || Results || 10 subjects <
> showed preliminary priming effects from the object to the verb, about 25% of the hgp trials were 'hand' or 'pass', also showed the 'gi' primed 'gave' better than 'ga' did. || 12 subjects, preliminary feedforward phonological priming, also effects of repetition on fluency and ditransitive noun phrase ordering || not yet analyzed || || Problems || imbalanced number of trials per experimental condition! fillers often repeated the same people and objects, work on finding feedforward evidence first, too many experimental trials? || no variation of verbs || not yet analyzed || = Breaking News = I ran a subject in experiment 2 today, but this time made it a communicative task (with me) and reinstated the context of the recall experiment. Between the two changes, subject 14p ''changed'' verb usage pretty regularly (I won't have a real idea until I look at the data), but he did not get stuck saying 'gave' the whole time. I would like to try a version where I am not the other subject... perhaps I could have a confederate to press the space button and turn the task back into a communicative one. The memory task portion seemed to trip subject 14p up. When asked he said, "I wanted to make sure that I was labeling the objects correctly. I thought that one of the items was a handle at first, but I couldn't remember if it might have had a different label." Either way, I'm excited and I hope that this keeps happening. I'm running two more people in the old experiment tomorrow. -Katrina Housel 7/31/08