Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2008-11-14 16:31:23
Size: 55
Editor: cgomez
Revision 2 as of 2008-11-14 16:37:17
Size: 343
Editor: cgomez
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Describe HlpLab/Projects/SpanishClitic here. #acl HlpLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read
#format wiki
#language en
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lllll = Deletion of optional double clitic in South American Spanish =

'''Double Clitic -''' Spanish allows the doubling of indirect objects with a particle Some dialects of Spanish allow the doubling of direct and indirect objects with a particle that

= Deletion of optional double clitic in South American Spanish =

Double Clitic - Spanish allows the doubling of indirect objects with a particle Some dialects of Spanish allow the doubling of direct and indirect objects with a particle that

ProjectsSpanishDoubleClitic (last edited 2008-11-14 18:55:56 by cgomez)

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