Differences between revisions 1 and 54 (spanning 53 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2008-05-22 18:37:37
Size: 1087
Editor: poser
Revision 54 as of 2010-07-06 17:59:07
Size: 2561
Editor: poser
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== Maureen Dizon ==
For Florian's project on Redundancy and Syntactic Reduction-
1. Work with Camber & Jeremy on annotation for the studies on subject-extracted passive relative clauses in the British National Corpus, following these guidelines: ["HlpLab/Projects/SyntacticReduction/Annotation"].

2. Continue to annotate in sets of 500 per person until we have a set of at least 20,000 'useable' sentences, that is, those which have not been excluded for various reasons.

3. Anticipate more work!

== Jeremy Ferris ==

1. Run subjects for Alex Fine's self paced reading experiment.

2. Run subjects for Katrina Furth

3. Annotate (with Camber and Maureen) SRCs for Florian

== Camber Hansen-Karr ==

1. Working on the RCPRED-1c annotations for Florian

2. Annotating (with Jeremy and Maureen) reducible passive SRCs (see Maureen's #1) for Florian

== Caitlin Hilliard ==

1. Annotate perspective verbs from a corpus for Judith Degen, until I've completed the 10,891 sentences.
2. Run own study about PhonCoda.
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Priority 1: Susan's gesture studies. [[BR]] Tracking hand movements with colored balls in order to see if people react more to hand shape or the movement in gesture. 90% complete. [[BR]] Priority 1: My experiment/Senior Honor's Thesis.[[BR]] Run more subjects in PhonOnsetV.1 (Jeremy). On 10/21/09 we have 8 subjects in condition 2 and 9 subjects in condition 3.
Transcribe and annotate (Ryan). Get these stimuli ready for running through the speech aligner. [[BR]] [[BR]]
Study 2: Write up methods in wiki. Pilot subjects and analyze results quickly using prism. Report to Florian for next step.
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Priority 2: Field Work in Mayan. [[BR]] Crafting Paradigms from existing videos. Making balanced sets of clips for when we go down. Prioritizing new videos to make. ETC (Expected time of completion): Wednesday afternoon. [[BR]] Priority 3: Create stimuli database & poser database with Swapna's help.
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Priority 3: Automatic alignment in my phonological priming experiment.[[BR]] Meeting next Wednesday with Florian, Andrew and Ting to get rough onset times for various phonologically similar words. [[BR]] == Swapna Kumar ==
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Priority 4: Neighborhood effects with Austin. [[BR]] I'm reading the Quomps now and I'm excited to work with you! [[BR]] == Ryan Murphy ==
1. Annotate Katrina Furth's subjects as they come in.
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Priority 5: Learn Regression and Statistics Stuff with the super-intense tutorial. [[BR]]
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== Ting Qian ==
To be added.
== Amanda Perlman ==
1. My study - Audience design study.
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== Sarah Brown ==
Not working over the summer.
== Andy Wood ==
1. Scripting for various projects:
 * '''Ibex: '''Script to convert standard tab-delimited CSV input files to Javascript input files for Ibex, and to format output to be more readable.
 * '''Automatic Aligner: '''
  * Create a new script to convert output from the existing Aligner (+region labels) to tab-delimited (readable) output
  * Modify the original aligner to incorporate region labeling
 * '''Media recording over the web: ''' Build (Flash-based) tools to display video as well as record input from users microphone and web cam.
 * '''HLP Website: ''' If I have time, update and consolidate the blog at wordpress.com with the existing HLP website
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== Dan Friel ==
Not working over the summer.
2. Poser
 * Provide animations for experiment as needed.

Maureen Dizon

For Florian's project on Redundancy and Syntactic Reduction-

1. Work with Camber & Jeremy on annotation for the studies on subject-extracted passive relative clauses in the British National Corpus, following these guidelines: ["HlpLab/Projects/SyntacticReduction/Annotation"].

2. Continue to annotate in sets of 500 per person until we have a set of at least 20,000 'useable' sentences, that is, those which have not been excluded for various reasons.

3. Anticipate more work!

Jeremy Ferris

1. Run subjects for Alex Fine's self paced reading experiment.

2. Run subjects for Katrina Furth

3. Annotate (with Camber and Maureen) SRCs for Florian

Camber Hansen-Karr

1. Working on the RCPRED-1c annotations for Florian

2. Annotating (with Jeremy and Maureen) reducible passive SRCs (see Maureen's #1) for Florian

Caitlin Hilliard

1. Annotate perspective verbs from a corpus for Judith Degen, until I've completed the 10,891 sentences. 2. Run own study about PhonCoda.

Katrina Housel

Priority 1: My experiment/Senior Honor's Thesis.BR Run more subjects in PhonOnsetV.1 (Jeremy). On 10/21/09 we have 8 subjects in condition 2 and 9 subjects in condition 3. Transcribe and annotate (Ryan). Get these stimuli ready for running through the speech aligner. BR BR Study 2: Write up methods in wiki. Pilot subjects and analyze results quickly using prism. Report to Florian for next step.

Priority 3: Create stimuli database & poser database with Swapna's help.

Swapna Kumar


Ryan Murphy

1. Annotate Katrina Furth's subjects as they come in.

Amanda Perlman

1. My study - Audience design study.

Andy Wood

1. Scripting for various projects:

  • Ibex: Script to convert standard tab-delimited CSV input files to Javascript input files for Ibex, and to format output to be more readable.

  • Automatic Aligner:

    • Create a new script to convert output from the existing Aligner (+region labels) to tab-delimited (readable) output
    • Modify the original aligner to incorporate region labeling
  • Media recording over the web: Build (Flash-based) tools to display video as well as record input from users microphone and web cam.

  • HLP Website: If I have time, update and consolidate the blog at wordpress.com with the existing HLP website

2. Poser

  • Provide animations for experiment as needed.

RASchedule (last edited 2015-02-24 19:43:49 by 128)

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