Differences between revisions 55 and 59 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 55 as of 2010-07-06 17:59:48
Size: 2562
Editor: poser
Revision 59 as of 2015-02-24 19:43:49
Size: 129
Editor: 128
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Maureen Dizon ==
For Florian's project on Redundancy and Syntactic Reduction-
1. Work with Camber & Jeremy on annotation for the studies on subject-extracted passive relative clauses in the British National Corpus, following these guidelines: ["HlpLab/Projects/SyntacticReduction/Annotation"].
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2. Continue to annotate in sets of 500 per person until we have a set of at least 20,000 'useable' sentences, that is, those which have not been excluded for various reasons. == ==
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3. Anticipate more work! == ==
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== Jeremy Ferris == == ==
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1. Run subjects for Alex Fine's self paced reading experiment.

2. Run subjects for Katrina Furth

3. Annotate (with Camber and Maureen) SRCs for Florian

== Camber Hansen-Karr ==

1. Working on the RCPRED-1c annotations for Florian

2. Annotating (with Jeremy and Maureen) reducible passive SRCs (see Maureen's #1) for Florian

== Caitlin Hilliard ==

1. Annotate perspective verbs from a corpus for Judith Degen, until I've completed the 10,891 sentences.
2. Run own study about PhonCoda.

== Katrina Housel ==
Priority 1: My experiment/Senior Honor's Thesis.[[BR]] Run more subjects in PhonOnsetV.1 (Jeremy). On 10/21/09 we have 8 subjects in condition 2 and 9 subjects in condition 3.
Transcribe and annotate (Ryan). Get these stimuli ready for running through the speech aligner. [[BR]] [[BR]]
Study 2: Write up methods in wiki. Pilot subjects and analyze results quickly using prism. Report to Florian for next step.

Priority 3: Create stimuli database & poser database with Swapna's help.

== Swapna Kumar ==

== Ryan Murphy ==
1. Annotate Katrina Furth's subjects as they come in.

== Amanda Perlman ==
1. My study - Audience design study.

== Andy Wood ==
1. Scripting for various projects:
 * '''Ibex: '''Script to convert standard tab-delimited CSV input files to Javascript input files for Ibex, and to format output to be more readable.
 * '''Automatic Aligner: '''
  * Create a new script to convert output from the existing Aligner (+region labels) to tab-delimited (readable) output
  * Modify the original aligner to incorporate region labeling
 * '''Media recording over the web: ''' Build (Flash-based) tools to display video as well as record input from users microphone and web cam.
 * '''HLP Website: ''' If I have time, update and consolidate the blog at wordpress.com with the existing HLP website

2. Poser
 * Provide animations for experiments as needed.
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RASchedule (last edited 2015-02-24 19:43:49 by 128)

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