#acl HlpLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read #format wiki #pragma section-numbers 4 #language en = RA Meeting, Summer 2016, Week 6 = == Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention) == == What we did over last week == === Madeline === 1. Ran a couple people for Scott's study, but none of them actually qualified so I'm crying silently 1. Went through all the Kamide lists with Lauren to see what is wrong with what 1. Ran Wes through one of the lists with the eyetracker 1. Attempted to recruit random Physics people to run Scott's study but I guess they're too good for us (~!~real science~!~) 1. Worked with Jeff - made a Qualtrics template to import surveys, organized some gross MTurk spreadsheets - ~10 hours last week 1. Thought about studying for my Nanzan placement tests. Doesn't mean that I actually did anything. === Bethany === Pragmatic inference project: 1. Put Qualtrics norming study on MTurk, got data (thanks Amanda). 1. Wrote Java/R script to analyze norming data. Made many mental notes on what to tell Qualtrics next time in order to make parsing/cleaning code less gross. 1. Worked on outtake survey data from both spring iterations of the eyetracking part and discovered that it sort of foreshadowed the norming study. 1. Translated paper into Latex so I can start rewriting it. 1. Learned that converting factors to integers in R just labels them in order of appearance, even if said factors look like numbers to humans... This solved weird issues in my spaghetti plots. Other: 1. Annotated Madeline's recording for the accent adaptation condition. 1. Madeline and I are still looking for 3 more monolingual people for Scott's study... 1. Python adventures with Kinder lab people === Emily === === Lauren === 1. Added SONA Timeslots, waiting on more sign-ups, emailed participants RedCap survey 1. Created templates for response to subjects from SONA sign-ups and HLPStudy emails 1. Listened to a few Kamide lists on subject's computer, did 2 trials using the eyetracker, w/ MC 1. Installed all R analysis packages, playing around w/ creating tables (need help w/ gsub) 1. Printed, cut out, and posted up (12 of 12) flyers 1. Still reading dynamic statistical distribution papers 1. Continuing to learn Esperanto via Duolingo 1. Learning Python graphics 1. Worked 27 hrs for Elika last week, working 27 hrs for Elika this week === Wesley === 1. Ran through the eye-tracking study with Madeline in eye-tracking mode 1. Read various papers related to pen-in-the-mouth and took notes on procedure for recording stimuli 1. Started to look into papers on drunken speech, particularly focused on verifying /s/ /sh/ sound changes