#acl HlpLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read #format wiki #pragma section-numbers 4 #language en = RA Meeting, TERM 2016, Week 7 = == Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention) == NLTK for Python: http://www.nltk.org/ It's a bunch of corpora and analysis methods, as well as a book of Python for computational language research. --Bethany == What we did over last week == === Madeline === 1. Did some last minute testing of the eyetracking experiment w/ Wes 1. Put up flyers for Masha's partner study 1. Redcaaaaaaaap 1. Went to Chicago (again) and got some hilarious sunburns 1. Went through Masha's partner study with her to check for errors 1. Hid inside away from the sun because it hates me === Bethany === 1. Registered for AMLaP! I'm going to my first science conference and moving to a new country all in the same week, and I'm going to die but it will be educational. 1. Talked with Anne Pier about using videos as stimuli in eyetracking experiments. It would be interesting to include nonverbal cues in the pragmatic unreliability stuff, or for something else. 1. Ran the last 4 subjects for Scott's experiment 1. Mech turk norming analysis 1. Methods section writing/editing 1. (Got sick and lost a couple days) === Emily === === Lauren === 1. Ran 2 subjects 1. Practiced ggplot on R 1. Finished statistical bunching papers === Wesley === 1. Ran a subject 1. Did last minute testing of the experiment 1. Wrapped up analysis of my twitter data for morphosyntax reading group 1. Continued my hunt for art for the plurality study 1. Wrapped up background research on intoxicated speech