Instructions for configuring Apple Mail to work with the BCS/CVS mail server
1. Run Mail on your Mac.
2. At the "Welcome to Mail" window, enter your name, full e-mail address, and password, then click Continue.
3. Mail will connect to our server and try to pull down some configuration info. Afterwards, it will display a window for specifying your Incoming Mail Server settings. Those settings are:
Account Type: IMAP or POP (this is a personal preference, please see the page PopOrImap for help deciding which to use)
Description: Put in something useful, like "BCS/CVS incoming"
Incoming Mail server: Enter '' (this is true even if you are a BCS user!)
Username: enter your full e-mail address if you are a BCS user, or just the part of your address before the "@" symbol if you are a CVS mail user
Password: your e-mail password.
Click Continue.
4. After a few seconds, you should now see a box for configuring your outgoing mail server. The settings are:
Description: Put in something useful, like "BCS/CVS outgoing"
Outgoing Mail server: Enter '' (this is true even if you are a BCS user!)
Use Authentication: checkmark this box
Username: enter your full e-mail address if you are a BCS user, or just the part of your address before the "@" symbol if you are a CVS mail user
Password: your e-mail password.
Click Continue.
5. You should now see an account summary screen. Click 'Create' to create the account in Apple Mail.
6. Once inside the program, click on "Mail -> Preferences".
7. Click on the 'Accounts' tab at the top. In the resulting window, click on the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) field at the bottom, and select "Edit SMTP Server List".
8. Highlight the "BCS/CVS outgoing" server in the box at the top. Below that box, click on the "Advanced" tab. Checkmark the "Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) box. Set the authentication type of "MD5 Challenge-Response", and (if necessary) enter the same username/password you entered when initially setting up Apple Mail. Click OK.
9. Close the 'Accounts' window.
At this point, you're done configuring Apple Mail. Try sending e-mail to verify that it works.