Installing Cylance (and removing Sophos)
NOTE: These instructions are ONLY for computers within BCS and those within CVS not centrally managed by ISD or University IT (ie: managed by Chris Freemesser). All centrally managed computers should already be running Cylance!
Windows 7 & 10
1. Open a web browser and download the Cylance for Windows installer from here (this link only works from the UR network):
2. Run the installer (the installer is self-explanatory and needs no further instruction). When it completes it may ask to reboot your computer. Please do so.
3. Upon reboot you should see a green shield icon in the system tray (bottom right corner of your desktop). That's the Cylance icon. If you left-click on it, it will bring up a status window. Cylance will first do a full system scan and any quarantined programs will be displayed under the "Threats" menu. You can't make any changes to the program itself, only view its status. If any applications have been put into quarantine by accident, or you install an application and it mysteriously disappears afterwards, Cylance is the culprit. Please contact Chris Freemesser to have the problem fixed.
NOTE: If you are running a version of OSX older than 10.14, you need to have your OS upgraded. Please contact Chris Freemesser to arrange for a free OS upgrade
1. Open a web browser and download the Cylance installer from here (this link only works from the UR network):
This program should be downloaded to your "Downloads" folder, which usually appears near the Trash can in the system dock (ie: the selection of app icons that normally appears at the bottom edge of your desktop).
2. Double-click on the "Cylance_Mac.pkg" file you downloaded to launch the installer and enter your OSX password when prompted. The installation of Cylance should now complete successfully.
3. Open "System Preferences" under the Apple at the top left of your screen.
4. Click on "Security & Privacy" then "Privacy". You should see "Full Disk Access" towards the bottom of the scrollable list on the on it.
5. Click on the lock to authenticate and allow changes.
6. Once you unlock the preference pane, checkmark the "CylanceEsExtension" entry in the box on the right.
7. Close the preference pane.
8. You should see a new shield icon in the top right corner of your desktop. That's the Cylance icon. If you left-click on it and select "Show Details", it will bring up a status window. Cylance will first do a full scan of your computer and any quarantined programs will be displayed under the "Threats" menu. You can't make any changes to the program itself, only view its status. If any applications have been put into quarantine by accident, or you install an application and it simply disappears for no reason, Cylance is the culprit. Please contact Chris Freemesser to correct the issue.