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[http://www.cvs.rochester.edu/cvspriv/downloads/retro-osx-63028.dmg | Mac OSX Retrospect client] [[http://www.cvs.rochester.edu/cvspriv/downloads/retro-osx-63028.dmg | Mac OSX Retrospect client]]
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[http://www.cvs.rochester.edu/cvspriv/downloads/retro-win-77114.exe | Windows Retrospect client 7.5.116] [[http://www.cvs.rochester.edu/cvspriv/downloads/retro-win-77114.exe | Windows Retrospect client]]

Installing the Retrospect Client

Mac OS X

1) Download the client installation software here:

Mac OSX Retrospect client

2) Double-click the disk image to expand it. Then, run the "Install OSX Client" installer.

3) When asked for a password, enter something simple. Once you've finished the install, let me know what the password is and I'll take care of things on my end (the password gets changed when I add the computer to the backup server).

4) That's it!


1) Download the client installation software:

Windows Retrospect client

2) Double-click the download and run the installer.

3) During the installation process, you'll be asked to enter a password. Just enter something simple. Once you've finished the install, let me know what the password is and I'll take care of things on my end (the password gets changed when I add the computer to the backup server).

4) Once Retrospect has been installed, search the computer for a program called "regcopy.exe". When you find it (usually the "C:\Program Files\Retrospect\Client") directory, run it. After it beats its drum for a few seconds, it'll display a configuration window. Simply click the "On" radio button and set it to run at 4pm daily. Once done, quit the program (you'll never have to run it again).

5) That's it!

InstallingRetrospect (last edited 2024-04-02 17:39:30 by WikiAdministrator)

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