Differences between revisions 5 and 17 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2011-01-24 21:06:30
Size: 3406
Editor: wireless
Revision 17 as of 2011-06-27 16:33:15
Size: 3572
Editor: 192
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||1 ||24 Jan 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w1 Organizational Meeting]||
||2 ||31 Jan 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w2 TBA]
||3 ||07 Feb 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w3 Frank, Jaeger, ... (Judith)]||
||4 ||14 Feb 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w4 TBA] ||
||5 ||21 Feb 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w5 TBA] ||
||6 ||28 Feb 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w6 Training data (Alex)]||
||1 ||24 Jan 11 ||[[LabmeetingSP11w1 |Organizational Meeting]]||
||2 ||31 Jan 11 || Canceled (
finishing up Cog``Sci submissions) ||
||3 ||07 Feb 11 ||[[LabmeetingSP11w3 |Frank, Jaeger, ... (Judith)]]||
||4 ||14 Feb 11 ||[[LabmeetingSP11w4 |David Beaver (Sarah)]]||
||5 ||21 Feb 11 ||[[LabmeetingSP11w5 |Kello et al / Moscoso del Prado (Esteban)]]||
||6 ||28 Feb 11 ||[[LabmeetingSP11w6 |Training data (Alex)]]||
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||8 ||14 Mar 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w8 CUNY dry runs]     ||
||9 ||21 Mar 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w9 CUNY dry runs] ||
||8 ||14 Mar 11 ||[[LabmeetingSP11w8 |CUNY dry runs - Alex/Thomas and Peter]]||
||9 ||21 Mar 11 ||[[LabmeetingSP11w9 |CUNY dry runs]] ||
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||11 ||04 Apr 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w11 Ting's variety show]||
||12 ||11 Apr 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w12 Mehdi] ||
||13 ||18 Apr 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w13 TBA] ||
||14 ||25 Apr 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w14 TBA] ||
||15 ||02 May 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w15 TBA] ||
||11 ||04 Apr 11 ||[[LabmeetingSP11w11 |Ting's variety show]]||
||12 ||11 Apr 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w12 Jordana Heller] (Meliora 366)||
||13 ||18 Apr 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w13 Thomas Hoeberg] (Meliora 366)||
||14 ||25 Apr 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w14 Dave Kleinschmidt - CMCL paper]||
||15 ||02 May 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w15 Functional Pressures on Language]||
||16 ||09 May 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w16 Mehdi] ||
||17 ||16 May 11 ||[wiki:Self:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w17 Mehdi (continued)] ||
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 * (Florian) [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VH9-4YRVY96-1&_user=10&_coverDate=05/31/2010&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=affdfd03418796e0d0b49aaf435332e7&searchtype=a Scaling laws in cognitive sciences] by Christopher T. Kello, et al.  * (Florian) [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VH9-4YRVY96-1&_user=10&_coverDate=05/31/2010&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=affdfd03418796e0d0b49aaf435332e7&searchtype=a |Scaling laws in cognitive sciences]] by Christopher T. Kello, et al.

HLP Lab Corpus Group Meeting Schedule

Spring '11

Mondays at 3:00pm





24 Jan 11

Organizational Meeting


31 Jan 11

Canceled (finishing up CogSci submissions)


07 Feb 11

Frank, Jaeger, ... (Judith)


14 Feb 11

David Beaver (Sarah)


21 Feb 11

Kello et al / Moscoso del Prado (Esteban)


28 Feb 11

Training data (Alex)


07 Mar 11

Spring Break (No meeting)


14 Mar 11

CUNY dry runs - Alex/Thomas and Peter


21 Mar 11

CUNY dry runs


28 Mar 11

Return from CUNY (No meeting)


04 Apr 11

Ting's variety show


11 Apr 11

[wiki:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w12 Jordana Heller] (Meliora 366)


18 Apr 11

[wiki:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w13 Thomas Hoeberg] (Meliora 366)


25 Apr 11

[wiki:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w14 Dave Kleinschmidt - CMCL paper]


02 May 11

[wiki:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w15 Functional Pressures on Language]


09 May 11

[wiki:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w16 Mehdi]


16 May 11

[wiki:HlpLab/Labmeeting/SP11w17 Mehdi (continued)]


Holdover suggestions from past terms

  • (Florian) I suggest we read Chang et al.'s paper (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2009.07.006). This fits in well with Alison, Austin, and Masha's interests I believe and it would be good for everyone to know some of Chang's work. We can accompany this reading with Chang et al. 2006 "Becoming Syntactic" (http://www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/clip/member/chang/papers/chang,dell,bock.pdf). Masha and Alison would you be willing to prepare this meeting? Maybe we all read one of the Chang papers and one McDonald paper (e.g. http://lcnl.wisc.edu/publications/archive/5.pdf) on acquisition with the other Chang paper being optional?

  • (Florian) Brian Roark, Asaf Bachrach, Carlos Cardenas, and Christophe Pallier. 2009. Deriving lexical and syntactic expectation-based measures for psycholinguistic modeling via incremental top-down parsing. Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Langauge Processing, pages 324–333.
  • (Florian) S. L. Frank. 2010. The role of world knowledge in sentence comprehension: an information-theoretic analysis and a connectionist simulation. Manuscript in preparation.
  • (Florian) David Beaver and Dan Velleman. 2010. The communicative significance of primary and secondary accents.

New Suggestions

LabMeetingSP11 (last edited 2011-06-27 16:34:08 by 192)

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