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=== Day of week at 0:00pm === === Wednesdays at 1:30pm ===
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||2 ||30 Jan 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w2|TBA]] ||
||3 ||06 Feb 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w3|TBA]] ||
||4 ||13 Feb 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w4|TBA]] ||
||2 ||30 Jan 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w2|What's new?, "How to be a successful grad student", How to choose a research project, OmniFocus for organization]]||
||3 ||06 Feb 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w3|Beck et al (not noisy just wrong) and Pellicano & Burr (bayesian autism).(Ting)]]||
||4 ||13 Feb 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w4|Lagnado & Sloman (time as a guide) and perhaps one more on that topic (Ting)]] ||
Line 17: Line 17:
||7 ||06 Mar 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w7|TBA]] ||
||8 ||13 Mar 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w8|TBA]] ||
||9 ||20 Mar 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w9|TBA]] ||
||10 ||27 Mar 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w10|TBA]] ||
||7 ||06 Mar 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w7|CUNY Dry Runs]] ||
||8 ||13 Mar 13 ||Spring Break (No Meeting) ||
||9 ||20 Mar 13 ||People gone for CUNY (No Meeting) ||
||10 ||27 Mar 13 ||[[LabmeetingSP13w10|Bozena modeling work]] ||
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 * (Ting) I've recently come across some nice papers that might be of interest to the lab in general:
    * Beck, J. M., Ma, W. J., Pitkow, X., Latham, P. E., & Pouget, A. (2012). Not noisy, just wrong: the role of suboptimal inference in behavioral variability. Neuron, 74(1), 30–9. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2012.03.016
    * Lagnado, D. a, & Sloman, S. a. (2006). Time as a guide to cause. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 32(3), 451–60. doi:10.1037/0278-7393.32.3.451
    * Pellicano, E., & Burr, D. (2012). When the world becomes “too real”: a Bayesian explanation of autistic perception. Trends in cognitive sciences, 16(10), 504–10. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2012.08.009
    * Cohen, J. D., Mc``Clure, S. M., & Yu, A. J. (2007). Should I stay or should I go? How the human brain manages the trade-off between exploitation and exploration. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 362(1481), 933–42. doi:10.1098/rstb.2007.2098
 * (Sarah) I would appreciate people talking about how they use python and/or pyjamas for their projects. Not a full programming tutorial because I'm sure we don't have time for that (also I thought Steve Piantadosi was going to continue with his, but I never heard what happened to the second half....). However I would be interested in hearing about in general what is good about python; what is it capable of doing, what kinds of projects is it useful for, what are the downsides to it...etc. And the same kind of thing for pyjamas. It would also be nice to know what kinds of projects people have already programmed and who would be willing to share code. Currently right now I don't have expertise in any of the programming languages people use to set up experiments (exbuilder, matlab, python) and so it would be nice to know which might be the best for me to focus on for now.
 * (Masha) Last week, I suggested talking about replicability. There's an issue of PPS on replicability (http://pps.sagepub.com/content/7/6.toc)

HLP Lab Meeting Schedule

Spring Semester '13

Wednesdays at 1:30pm





23 Jan 13

Organizational Meeting


30 Jan 13

What's new?, "How to be a successful grad student", How to choose a research project, OmniFocus for organization


06 Feb 13

Beck et al (not noisy just wrong) and Pellicano & Burr (bayesian autism).(Ting)


13 Feb 13

Lagnado & Sloman (time as a guide) and perhaps one more on that topic (Ting)


20 Feb 13



27 Feb 13



06 Mar 13

CUNY Dry Runs


13 Mar 13

Spring Break (No Meeting)


20 Mar 13

People gone for CUNY (No Meeting)


27 Mar 13

Bozena modeling work


03 Apr 13



10 Apr 13



17 Apr 13



24 Apr 13



01 May 13


Possible readings and topics

  • (Bozena) Alon (2009) - How To Choose a Good Scientific Problem Alon_2009.pdf

  • (Alex) hierarchical Bayesian models (what is a chinese restaurant process? what is an indian buffet?). This could (should) stay at a conceptual level, and address questions like
    • what kinds of problems do these approaches lend themselves to?
    • for these problems, what kinds of theoretical or computational approaches were people taking before these hierarchical models existed?
    • similarly, what are the alternatives/objections to these models nowadays?
    • how are hierarchical bayesian models related to/different from multi-level regression?
  • (Alex) what do people really mean when they say "learning"? (maybe dick could be consulted about this?)
    • what is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning?
    • what sub-types of learning exist within these categories?
    • large parts of the field seem to have essentially forgotten about "classical" approaches to learning (associative learning, conditioning, etc.)
  • (Alex) Dry run for CUNY talk? maybe me and chigusa on the same day.
  • (Bozena) For later in the semester (perhaps mid/late March or so) I would be interested in presenting some modeling work I've been doing.
  • (Bozena) If we have a meeting on the general topic of how to get organized, I could talk about the software I'm using, OmniFocus, which implements David Allen's "Getting things done" philosophy. I could talk a bit about the general philosophy, and then show how the software works. It'd probably take about 15-20 minutes

  • (Dan) I think tutorials about stats and modeling would be most useful for me. I would also be interested in learning about study design constraints/rules with methodologies that I have yet to use (self paced reading) and definitely corpus analysis tutorials.
  • (Chigusa) I would be interested in reading some papers on assumptions about sampling in learning (like Xu and Tenenbaum and also the following paper) SAMPLING ASSUMPTIONS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING Anne Hsu and Thomas Griffiths (submitted)

  • (Ting) I've recently come across some nice papers that might be of interest to the lab in general:
    • Beck, J. M., Ma, W. J., Pitkow, X., Latham, P. E., & Pouget, A. (2012). Not noisy, just wrong: the role of suboptimal inference in behavioral variability. Neuron, 74(1), 30–9. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2012.03.016

    • Lagnado, D. a, & Sloman, S. a. (2006). Time as a guide to cause. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 32(3), 451–60. doi:10.1037/0278-7393.32.3.451

    • Pellicano, E., & Burr, D. (2012). When the world becomes “too real”: a Bayesian explanation of autistic perception. Trends in cognitive sciences, 16(10), 504–10. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2012.08.009

    • Cohen, J. D., McClure, S. M., & Yu, A. J. (2007). Should I stay or should I go? How the human brain manages the trade-off between exploitation and exploration. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 362(1481), 933–42. doi:10.1098/rstb.2007.2098

  • (Sarah) I would appreciate people talking about how they use python and/or pyjamas for their projects. Not a full programming tutorial because I'm sure we don't have time for that (also I thought Steve Piantadosi was going to continue with his, but I never heard what happened to the second half....). However I would be interested in hearing about in general what is good about python; what is it capable of doing, what kinds of projects is it useful for, what are the downsides to it...etc. And the same kind of thing for pyjamas. It would also be nice to know what kinds of projects people have already programmed and who would be willing to share code. Currently right now I don't have expertise in any of the programming languages people use to set up experiments (exbuilder, matlab, python) and so it would be nice to know which might be the best for me to focus on for now.
  • (Masha) Last week, I suggested talking about replicability. There's an issue of PPS on replicability (http://pps.sagepub.com/content/7/6.toc)

LabMeetingSP13 (last edited 2013-04-10 18:58:17 by wifi)

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