Lab Meeting, Autumn 2015, Week 14

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week


  1. Another round of long emails about a potential collaboration and seed funds for a CUHK-UR project. But I think we're on to something exciting. Remind me to loop you guys in.
  2. Edited paper with Job Schepens on the effect of phonological similarity between languages on L2 speaking proficiency.






  1. Applied for another job

  2. Read through draft paper on socio-indexical speech perception
  3. Updated analyses for animal imaging data, and a little writing on that
  4. Work in progress on LabPhon abstract




  1. Looked at the new reviewers from Reviewer 2 on my mammals paper at Frontiers. S/he really hates that we talk about phonetic adaptation in our paper, and either wants us to report fewer studies with more conditions or more studies with fewer conditions. #ugh.
  2. Semi-finalized my quals reading list. Set my quals deadline. I will turn in my responses on January 18th by the end of the day. Florian, I will send you the list (hopefully) by the end of the weekend.
  3. Tweaked some things for Val's study. Emailed her to see if she is ready to have it posted to Turk.
  4. Emailed Wednesday about some tool she uses to prevent participants from taking a study multiple times.
  5. Does anyone know Bozena's duolingo / current email address? My friend Josh Hartshorne wants to get in touch with her about some second language learning work he's working on.
  6. Looked at the GSA travel award requirements. Started working on my application. The deadline is December 10 (for conferences attended in Summer/Fall 2015, or to be attended in Winter 2016 - they can't already be reimbursed, nor can you have a school award for travel).





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