Differences between revisions 10 and 14 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2016-11-23 21:37:37
Size: 3470
Editor: slate
Revision 14 as of 2016-11-30 01:38:03
Size: 3742
Editor: 38
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 47: Line 47:
 1. A lot more reading and prep for Quals.
 1. Writing and editing of CUNY abstract
 1. Visited Seattle!
Line 51: Line 54:
 1. Ran and analyzed above experiment.
 1. Put together presentation of uncertainty maintenance data for KurTan and colala lab meetings.
Line 52: Line 57:
 1. Started writing CUNY abstracts.  1. Wrote 2 CUNY abstracts.
Line 59: Line 64:
 1. Start reading for quals.

Lab Meeting, Autumn 2016, Week 14

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week



  1. Finalized the MTurk experiment for BCS206 group!
  2. Near-finalized my priming experiment (still need sandbox data).
  3. Attended Psychonomics.
  4. Broke personal driving record (a nightmare in snow from Boston to Rochester).


  1. Found an Ubuntu based Linux distribution called Zentyal that has a nice GUI for managing Samba4 as an AD controller. Going to play with it in a VM and see if it's worth trying to convince Florian to let me replace MacOS Server with it.




  1. Reviewed a paper for Cognition.

  2. Set up some audio and visual stimuli to send to the SR guy in advance of his visit to UR, for our eventual kid eye-tracking needs.

  3. Caught up on some much needed data reports on my kid data, started working on the paper.

  4. Encouraged Wes to finish setting up his study / running kids in the new version of his task in time for the CUNY deadline.

  5. Designed and ran new versions of my contextual manipulation studies to try to get participants to explain away speaker variability to various aspects of the context rather than to the speaker herself. To be submitted to CUNY.

  6. Started drafting or editing CUNY abstracts for the above mentioned tasks.

  7. Tried to elicit uncertainty markings by asking people to read some carrier sentences either in the presence or without the presence of ambiguous information. Thought about prosody. Thought about js.
  8. Read a paper on Children's selective trust in native-accented speakers, to think about how children might weigh confidence and expertise.


  1. Proctored a BCS 152 exam
  2. Reading for quals
  3. Met with students to go over BCS 152 exams
  4. Consolidated code base and wrote some really nice, really helpful functions for my personal R library, zplyr.

  5. Spent way to long trying to understand what sort of model to use for a personal project.
  6. Continued Bayesian inference course


  1. A lot more reading and prep for Quals.
  2. Writing and editing of CUNY abstract
  3. Visited Seattle!


  1. Ran replication of Bicknell et al. It replicated beautifully!
  2. Set up version of replication where subjects can respond whenever during the audio file.
  3. Ran and analyzed above experiment.
  4. Put together presentation of uncertainty maintenance data for KurTan and colala lab meetings.

  5. Finished simulations of adaptation follow-up; currently asking others' advice about it.
  6. Wrote 2 CUNY abstracts.
  7. Met with Evan and gave him some sentence-writing work as well as grad school application advice!
  8. Spent FOREVER on NRT homework


  1. Finalizing the MTurk experiment for norming Chinese sentences
  2. Putting together scripts used to simulate unsupervised adaptation
  3. Start reading for quals.

LabmeetingAU16w14 (last edited 2016-12-01 16:08:23 by slate)

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