October 20 HLP Lab Meeting

I'll be talking about some work I've been doing (which many/most of you know about) pursuing an ideal observer model/rational analysis of learning/adaptation in sentence comprehension. This project was originally inspired by Meghan Clayards' work, so if you haven't read her 2008 Cognition paper, please do:

Clayards et al. 2008:Clayards_inpress.pdf

At least two other papers are relevant. If you're interested in the method we're using, we've followed the lead of Wells et al. (2009). That being the case, you can focus on the methods if you decide to read this one. I will be discussing the methods, though.

Wells et al. 2009:Wells et al 09.pdf

Florian also brought this paper to my attention, which I haven't yet read, but which seems very relevant:

Sauermann et al.:Sauermann.Kliegl.Fanselow.Manuscript.pdf

Finally, Neal Snider passed along a copy of Yuki Kamide's poster from Amlap, which is in a similar vein:

Kamide AMLaP poster:Kamide AMLaP 09 Poster.pdf

I'll send out an e-mail with more detailed reading suggestions as the date approaches.


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