Lab Meeting, Spring 2017, Week 10

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week



  1. Run Exp5(!) for BCS207 and analyzed data.
  2. Finished discussion of fMRI paper on vowel project.
  3. Worked on intro of BB08 ms.
  4. Contacted Kodi and read CG04 ms.
  5. Explored and compared ELP vs. IPHOD for calculating lexical properties.
  6. Read the readings for Probability class.


  1. Read the documentation for and played around with boto3, including trying to rewrite my script. On the plus side, boto3 finally integrates MTurk with the rest of AWS, On the minus side, what you get back is no longer Python types wrapping MTurk XML data structures, but rather Python dictionaries of the keys and values parsed from the XML data. The Answer part of an Assignment actually still comes back as a string of QuestionFormAnswers XML you have to parse yourself. (Hopefully that changes down the road; MTurk support is only 2 weeks old in boto3.)

  2. Started writing a proper README for CrowdExp

  3. Did a code cleanup of MTurk Utils code

  4. Started to really dig into the results conversion code in CrowdExp so it can dump R analyzable results files soon

  5. Showed Grace around the department and introduced her to people I could find on Tuesday
  6. Worked with Scott Fraundorf's lab manager on setting up their web server to run MTurk experiments (in process still)




  1. Holidayed
  2. Wrote and gave my 4th year lunch talk
  3. Edited Wes' poster
  4. Started scheduling my talk at Brown
  5. Thought about my poster for CUNY, did nothing about it
  6. Worked on items for new version of a study necessary for my poster
  7. Met with Robbie about visual uncertainty tasks


  1. Drafted outline of CMCL talk
  3. Redid my entire grant proposal again, wrote the approach section


  1. Worked on CUNY talk.
  2. Reading + writing for grant writing
  3. Reading for courses
  4. Traveled to Naples + gave a talk. Lots of official + unofficial rehearsing. Met some really awesome people!
  5. Follow-up with said people. Networking on steroids yo.
  6. Still SO pumped about Danny Wegman.


  1. Worked on CUNY talk
  2. Started making CUNY poster, honestly kind of forgot about it
  3. Worked on my presentation in Duje's class...the auditory system is so cool!!
  4. CSP 519 work
  5. Enjoyed the snow and was lazy


  1. Working on CUNY poster.
  2. Adding subjects for the Chinese norming study and wrapping up
  3. Working on response to Nieuwland et al.
  4. Reading and writing for Grant writing
  5. Reading for courses
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