Lab Meeting, Spring 2017, Week 2
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
Bayesian mixed model tutorial paper mentioned by Bruno
What we did over last week
Yan & Jaeger on unsupervised phonetic adaptation for CMCL
Burchill & Jaeger on functional load for CMCL
Revision: turns out Weatherholtz et al was returned with reviews in September!!! But got stuck in Kodi's spam folder. We just found out.
- Xin's job talk
Wednesday's cogsci paper
Letters (1).
Finally got all the demographic forms entered for Adaptation into RedCap, and then lost all the race information, because the question was input wrong and to fix it causes data loss. Need to get RAs to re-enter that data.
- Figured out a way to reduce duplicate rows coming out of my MTurk demographic script (learning new Pandas skills)
- Hand deleted / merged the duplicates that did arise
- Submitted the Adaptation Continuing Review
- Reformatted Adaptation enrollment data for Florian's NIH annual report
- Organized meetings for Bruno
- Accommodations for Eleanor and Amelia
Constructing schedule for Amelia - please let me know if you would like to meet with her next week
- Worked on a cogsci paper, decided to just write a paper.
- Started setting up the final projects to wrap up the first part of the causal attribution / adaptation project with Chigusa and Sarah Brown-Schmidt.
- Chatted with Mike about a new project on uncertainty / reliability / lies.
- Organized ESP, RA Lab meetings - if you aren't already attending RA meetings, you should consider joining.
- Met with Bruno, talked a lot about my projects, their various states. Talked a bit about the mixture models thatI run to look at how adults generalize, and how kids perform on my tasks.
- Met with some faculty candidates.
- Read some short papers for BCS111.
- Thought a bit about where I'd like to postdoc, money woes, the usual.
Worked on CogSci paper.
Read grant for grant writing class. Wrote one-liners for CogNeuro.
- Attended many talks, met with Bruno.
- Put together massive transcription checking task for RAs.
- Recorded videos for Gesture project with Mike.
- Edited TOH task with Mike.
- Put together graphical analysis of which additional speakers to run. Met with Xin + Flo, separately, to talk about this.
Continued writing CogSci paper
- NRT homework
- Prepared for stats class, met with instructors
- so many talks
- Submitted to CMCL
Getting started for CogSci
- Reading for grant writing
- Dealing with uncredited MTurkers who finished the survey through the external link but didn't submit the HIT.