Lab Meeting, Spring 2017, Week 3
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
Read for talk Kimball, A., Cole, J., Dell, G., and Shattuck-Hufnagel, S. (2015) Categorical vs. Episodic Memory for Pitch Accents in American English you can download the full PDF after logging into Research gate
Refer to/skim for tutorial (optional) this is a brand new; one of her coworkers wrote an R package to interact with Stan
What we did over last week
Fedzechkina, Chu, and Jaeger on dependency length minimization in an artificial language for resubmission to Psychological Science. (paper, SI, and letter). one more round.
Bushong and Jaeger on uncertainty maintenance for CogSci.
Liu, Burchill, and Jaeger on Kamide replication for CogSci.
Yan, Kleinschmidt, & Jaeger for CogSci.
Reports: continued annual NIH report. Submitted!
Feedback on Shaorong's project on unsupervised learning. Dave joined us.
Finished a campus visit (job interview). Back to work.
- Sandboxed the priming study. Needs to revise the test lists a bit and assess the variation of RTs.
- Worked on revision of the sleep study. Almost done.
- Read a few review papers on neural implementation of probabilistic inference.
Started getting out ahead of our next Continuing Review (Crosslinguistic, which we'll get the 90 day warning about soon; we WILL be early this time) by validating the data in RedCap against my old subject spreadsheet. It is not pretty. Going to have to dig through drawers and get RAs entering missing data.
Fixed the Race question in the RedCap questionnaire for Adaptation, which necessitated dumping the race data for Adaptation in RedCap and having an RA (Bethany) re-enter it in the corrected format.
Had Stephen enter a bunch of questionnaires into RedCap for Crosslinguistic from Masha's subjects from last year.
Started looking at the CrowdExp code again and deciding what needs work next.
Agreed to review up to 2 CogSci papers. Year 2 of reviewing for CogSci, thought it better to not push it, and offer to review 3...
- Cogsci work
- Found a bug in Cogsci's latex package; emailed them about it
- Class work, class reading
- Lots of quals reading
Lots of CogSci writing and editing.
- Lots of class work reading and writing.
Finished CogSci paper! So much editing
- Made paper presentation for NRT class
Other classwork (finish up final NRT proposal, read/comment for Raj & Duje's classes)
- Prepare Lab 1 for CSP 519
Lots of CogSci writing and editing.
- Lots of class work reading and writing.