Lab Meeting, Spring 2017, Week 5
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
2 papers on predictive coding in the brain
What we did over last week
Wrote application for Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
- Talked with recruiter at Amazon (AWS, but will apparently contact Alexa folks, too)
- Fedzechkina et al on dependency length minimization.
- Montero-Melis et al on syntactic priming in native vs. L2 speakers
Letters: 7ish (3 news ones)
Put up Exp3&4 for BCS207 group, collected and analyzed data for Exp3(variability training).
- Completed data collection for priming study Exp1_v1, analyzed data from 54 Ss.
- Sent out revisions for the sleep study manuscript.
- Submitted final draft of my CUNY abstract.
- Emailed a lot with Wes about running regression analyses on his data for his CUNY abstract.
- Finished making 2 posters for the CSLI workshop (hahahaha).
- Ran a study on uncertainty, looking at how 1) the amount of time an item is visible on people's certainty of their labels, 2) the relationship between people's certainty judgements and the kinds of phrases they'd use to communicate a label to another person. It's a work in progress... but I'm allegedly submitting an abstract on it on Wednesday to XPrag (hahahaha moment numero dos of the week).
- Met with Stephanie Tellex (robotics speaker), and she was SUPER excited about basically everything I had to say... She offered me a post-doc position in her lab... and asked if I would give a talk at Brown... so... that was a thing that happened.
- Flew to SF. Enjoyed not being in Rochester (this is a prediction, but my prior on this is pretty strong).
- Touched up quals list, started reading even more
- Learned GAMM stuff
- Grant writing: wrote up specific aims proposal
- Class: readings
- Class: writing
- Went back to the dreadful subtitle data
- Got an offer to be an Applied Scientist Intern on the Amazon Alexa team! PUMPED yo. Summer of cool tech, mild weather, and sushi
- Wrote up more of BB08 and added some figures to the draft
- Submitted final version of CUNY; emailed with Ann Bradlow to update her on the study and ask about some design things
- Realized slide contrast coding we had been using (i.e. for BB08 and subtitle) wasn't doing quite what we thought.
- Class readings + homework
- Started reading + brainstorming presentation for perception class next week
Re-familiarized self with ditransitive project data & re-analyzed some things using Bayesian mixed-effects models!
Class readings & homework
- Prepared to teach CSP 519 R lab
- Went to way too many talks
- Submitted final version of CUNY abstract
- Reading papers for grant writing ideas
Reading papers for perception & motor preparation
- Downloading videos of aphasic patients and preparing for extracting prosodic features in their speech