Lab Meeting, Spring 2017, Week 7

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week



  1. Ran and analyzed control data from Exp.3 & 4 for BCS207 group; added baseline performance (predicted) as a predictor. Sadly (mysteriously) didn't bring us an expected effect. Further analyses needed.

  2. Modified Exp1_v2 for the priming study (instructions, timing stamps, conditional practice trials). Ran & analyzed new data (n=16).

  3. Read a couple of papers on reinforcement learning and memory systems.
  4. Finished revision of cross-talker manuscript.
  5. Had two individual meetings with RAs to walk them through project ideas.


  1. Finished the Continuing Review for the Cross-linguistic protocol. Waiting to hear back about possible missing publications before I hit submit.
  2. Finished cleaning up the subject list in Redcap from Cross-linguistic, which required a lot of going through consents and questionnaires myself, using subject lists given to me in the past, using SONA participation info, and checking RA input in Redcap. Deleted ~100 subjects and added ~20. Lots of bad handwriting leading to duplicates. Found some subjects that long since graduated grad students forgot to tell me about.
  3. Finished (as much as possible) cleaning my subject list for Cross-linguistic. Matched it up to Redcap and tried to match each name to the oldest consent form I could find. Still 29 (out of 978) subjects (all from 2009-2013, mostly 2010) who I can't match.





  1. Revised CMCL paper...
  2. Wrote specific aims for grant writing course
  3. Working on cleaning up code for FL project, porting to servers
  4. Quals readings!
  5. Started giving Gaby driving lessons


  1. Worked on Board talk. Got a full draft.
  2. Grant writing HW. Perception + Cog Neuro readings.
  3. Prepared and gave presentation for Perception class.
  4. Feedback to Lauren on summer application. Blurb for Madeline for summer apps.
  5. Coordinated drink+dessert+food buying with peeps for admissions weekend.


  1. Worked on ditransitive talk
  2. Made some simple beta-binomial updating models for learning syntactic alternations
  3. Reading/hw for classes
  4. CSP 519: graded homeworks, wrote up homework solutions, prepared lab
  5. Went to so many talks. We have a lot this semester!!!


  1. Worked on perception presentation
  2. Worked on grant writing (significance)
  3. Worked on NRT course project (extracting f0 and intensity from wavfiles)
  4. Had quite a few free lunches and dinners with incoming talkers (I honestly don't remember signing up for that many...)
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