Lab Meeting, Spring 2017, Week 8
To do:
- Lab visitor arriving later this month: Grace.
Updates on Enunciate
- Should we merge language lab meetings and instead create one additional reading group (e.g., a computational reading group)?
- A note about random effects in analyzing keyword data.
- Data from Rachel Smith arrived. let's talk about it.
- Talk about paper writing. Let's change things up. Let's talk about what we can do I have a few ideas, but also want to hear yours.
- Making a schedule for each of your papers: please share a schedule with me, in which the next three steps for your paper(s) are outlined, along with dates when you will deliver. Please create google calendar invites (15 minute duration) for each of the next three goals. For example, one goal might be "First complete draft of introduction" or "Updated version of method section integrating your comments".
- Let's end each meeting with a set of writing goals for the next meeting. Let's start each meeting by going over them.
- Writing sessions. How are they going? Are they still a thing?
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
More depressing large-scale power analyses of psychology studies from Ioannidis' group! paper here
Good news, everybody! We can stop using the exact same plots from the Lisker & Abrahamson paper when talking about the need for adaptation! The Pierrrehumbert episodic memory paper had this great plot from German et al., 2013
What we did over last week
- Research
- We need to talk about writing and how to maintain writing in the midst of an overwhelming semester (see above)
Looked into Nature Human Behavior as a possible outlet for work from this lab.
- I'll be on holiday 3/13-20.
- Rewrote parts of Masha's paper on dependency length minimization.
- Edited Guillermo's manuscript on L2 lexicalization learning.
Feedback on
- Discovered that our studies for BCS 207 did not actually use test items they should have used. Decided on next set of studies.
- Talked about potential reasons why web-based priming paradigm that Xin is piloting might not be working.
- Logistics:
- no updates.
- Service:
- Meetings with Job candidates.
Editing: four papers for CogSci.
Letters: 1.
Ran and analyzed control data from Exp.3 & 4 for BCS207 group; added baseline performance (predicted) as a predictor. Sadly (mysteriously) didn't bring us an expected effect. Further analyses needed.
Modified Exp1_v2 for the priming study (instructions, timing stamps, conditional practice trials). Ran & analyzed new data (n=16).
- Read a couple of papers on reinforcement learning and memory systems.
- Finished revision of cross-talker manuscript.
- Had two individual meetings with RAs to walk them through project ideas.
- Solved one mystery: compared BCS 207 data with Linda and Kodi's. Found test item-dependent effects.
- Probed timing events in the priming study and discovered another mystery: people with slower computers responded slower.
Reviewed a CogSci paper.
- Met with Andres.
- Sent out cross-talker manuscript revision.
- Drafted fMRI paper on vowel project, leaving discussion.
- Read Clark 2013 with all the comments.
- Several small web page updates requested by Florian
- Cleaned up my work computer Desktop, which was becoming *embarrassing*
- Looked over Xin's experiment code to see if I could help. Thus far I've primarily just done a pull request with cleanup and no functional changes
Did the university mandated harassment training online in MyPath
Started the personal annual review process in MyPath
- Replotted my data for all of my studies to look at the data by 1) which speaker the listeners thought was better, and 2) whether or not participants actually chose the intended referent in our contextually supportive trials. Found some fun things, now know a lot more about my data.
- Turned in 2 Cog Sci reviews.
- Worked on my lunch talk.
- Met with Andres.
- Finished grading BCS 111 exams.
- Quals quals quals
- Class class class
- Figuring out CMCL travel details and booking stuff, etc.
- Ran pilot for Mike gesture project.
- Wrote for BB08 project. Talked to Flo about organization of exposure vs test vs trials etc.
- Class readings.
- Editing for grant writing class.
- Prospie duties. Bought loads of food and drinks from Wegmans.
- Organizational stuff for Naples talk.
Reviewed a CogSci paper
- Worked on ditransitive talk
- Reading and homework for classes
- CSP 519: graded homeworks, prepared lab
Reviewed two papers for CogSci 2017
Re-analyzed the data shared by Nieuwland et al. (Fail to replicate DeLong et al 2005)
- Made new plots using Dave's new priors
- Writing for Grant Writing class
- Talked to perspective students
- Talked to Andres about the 'wonky world' adaptation study idea
- Collecting the final batch of data for the norming study (Chinese radical)
- Coming up with stimuli and design for contextual diversity study
Reading for perception & motor course
- Booked tickets to and from China (leaving mid May and coming back end of May)