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Revision 6 as of 2016-08-09 00:46:20
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Revision 8 as of 2016-08-11 00:29:19
Size: 2396
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 1. '''Edited''' a little bit of Hall et al, which is now called the message-oriented approach to phonology (MOP). Or as Beth put it: cleaning up phonology from top to bottom.  1. '''Edited''' a little bit of Hall et al, which is now called the message-oriented approach to phonology (MOP). Or as Beth put it: cleaning up phonology from top to bottom. Wrote a few more paragraphs for future directions. And gave it one more final edit.
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I was going to put this on last week's page, but I got distracted. The sweet and radiant Gabriela Coya got a job offer at Nielsen in Rochester, where she'll be working as a market researcher. This means two things:

 1. Gaby will be living (with Zach) in Rochester! Wooooo!
 1. Zach's bachelor lifestyle will finally come to an end... :'( :'(

Anyway, expect changes.

 1. Did a lot of desperate apartment / coordinating stuff for Gaby
 1. Made '''roast material''' for Dave and Esteban
 1. Vectorized their faces for their '''T-shirts'''
 1. Worked a wee bit more on the subtitle project

Lab Meeting, Summer 2016, Week 14

To read this week: (Friedman & Massaro), but check out a bit about the Frequency-Weighted Neighborhood Probability Rule (FWNPR) and some of the formulae and theoretical ideas luce-pisoni-1998.pdf. --ZJB

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week


  1. Thesis defenses!!!

  2. Published a little commentary with Kodi on What the heck is salience?, which created quite a bit of interest, at least in the name =). Twitter link

  3. Edited a little bit of Hall et al, which is now called the message-oriented approach to phonology (MOP). Or as Beth put it: cleaning up phonology from top to bottom. Wrote a few more paragraphs for future directions. And gave it one more final edit.

  4. Edited Linda's paper.

  5. Feedback on structure of Esteban's paper on causal reasoning during speech production.

  6. Feedback on Esteban's dry runs and slides.

  7. Feedback on Dave's dry run.

  8. Started planning BCS 152 and module for NRT data science class. Linda, we need to meet again =).

  9. Feedback on write-up planning to Dave.

  10. Made plans with Linda, Zach, Dave, Esteban, and Kodi about when who will submit their next draft to me.

  11. Declined three requests for review.









I was going to put this on last week's page, but I got distracted. The sweet and radiant Gabriela Coya got a job offer at Nielsen in Rochester, where she'll be working as a market researcher. This means two things:

  1. Gaby will be living (with Zach) in Rochester! Wooooo!
  2. Zach's bachelor lifestyle will finally come to an end... :'( :'(

Anyway, expect changes.

  1. Did a lot of desperate apartment / coordinating stuff for Gaby
  2. Made roast material for Dave and Esteban

  3. Vectorized their faces for their T-shirts

  4. Worked a wee bit more on the subtitle project



LabmeetingSU16w14 (last edited 2016-08-12 22:02:10 by c-73-10-55-244)

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