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[[http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=10347282&fileId=S0140525X1500031X|Christiansen & Chater's BBS paper & peer commentaries]]. The paper's been available for a while but I just saw the commentaries today. -WRB

Lab Meeting, Summer 2016, Week 8

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

Christiansen & Chater's BBS paper & peer commentaries. The paper's been available for a while but I just saw the commentaries today. -WRB

What we did over last week



  1. Poked around at making a Samba4 ActiveDirectory master on www to test, because I've long been unhappy with Apple's OpenDirectory, and I think the NAS would do both Windows and NFS (with Kerberos) sharing more correctly with AD. If it looks good, I'd want to get another Brix as a login server and use current slate as just a Mac desktop.

  2. Set up a development server for CrowdExp so I can have people test changes as I make them. It's limited to UR and TWC Rochester (only local ISP I could find IP range for) to keep the outside world out.

  3. Added two sample Shiny apps to our server: Dashboard Example and Flexdashboard example to demonstrate using Shiny Dashboards and R Markdown Flexdashboards






  1. Read some papers on the acquisition of adjectives. Wondered about whether or not children actually know that there are two categories of gradable adjectives (relative and absolute).
  2. Thought about my grant. Started writing.
  3. Met with Sarah to try recording for new naming study. Prosody is hard, guys.




LabmeetingSU16w8 (last edited 2016-07-01 18:32:37 by FlorianJaeger)

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