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= Amazon Mechanical Turk =
== Relevant Papers / Blog Posts ==
[[attachment:MasonSuri11_MTurk.pdf|Conducting behavioral research on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk by Winter Mason & Siddharth Suri]] should be a standard reading for anyone conducting mturk experiments in the lab.
[[http://crowdresearch.org/blog/?p=5177|Mechanical Turk Workers Are Not Anonymous]] - make sure you anonymize workerIds in anything published; they can often be trivially linked back to an individual. Our protocols and consent forms also state that we will anonymize anyway.
== Example MTurk Experiments ==
* [[http://www.hlp.rochester.edu/mturk/WOACQ.1/example.html|Artificial Language Learning]]
* [[http://www.hlp.rochester.edu/mturk/examples/semregcompl1_example.html|Written recall]]
* [[http://www.hlp.rochester.edu/mturk/mtadapt-demo/expt_vroomen_replication.html?condition=ambig|Phonetic perception/adaptation]]
* [[http://www.hlp.rochester.edu/mturk/examples/norming_example.html|Norming]]
* [[http://www.hlp.rochester.edu/mturk/examples/emoprm1_example.html|Syntactic priming]]
* [[http://spellout.net/ibexexps/hlplab/rc.spr4-evelin12/experiment.html|Self paced reading]] (run with modified [[http://code.google.com/p/webspr/|IBex]])
* an example of spoken recording as soon as we have it
== Standard Practices ==
Consent form blurb (always make sure it links to the current version of the consent form):
{{{#!highlight html numbers=disable
By accepting this HIT, you confirm that you have read and understood the
consent form,
that you are willing to participate in this experiment, and that you
agree that the data you provide by participating can be used in
scientific publications (no identifying information will be used).
Sometimes it is necessary to share the data elicited from you
— including sound files — with other researchers for scientific
purposes (for replication purposes). That is the only reason for
which we will share data and we will only share data with other
researchers and only if it is for non-commercial use. Identifying
information will never be shared (your MTurk ID will be replaced
with an arbitrary alphanumeric code).
Always include the following text near where you link to the consent form:
{{{#!highlight html numbers=disable
Sometimes it can happen that technical difficulties cause experimental scripts to freeze so that you will not be able to submit a HIT. We are trying our best to avoid these problems. Should they nevertheless occur, we urge you to contact us.
Also include this blurb (including the link to the blog):
{{{#!highlight html numbers=disable
If you are interested in hearing how the experiments you are participating in help us to understand the human brain, feel free to subscribe to our lab blog on which we announce new findings. Note that typically about one year passes before an experiment is published.
If you are recording audio from the workers include this blurb:
{{{#!highlight html numbers=disable
You must be a native speaker of American English. If you have not spent almost all of your time until the age of 10 in the United States, you cannot participate. If you have a non-American accent we will not be able to pay you. For example, British or Indian English is not permissible for this experiment.
Please use this [[http://www.hlp.rochester.edu/mturk/instructions_example.html|example]] as a template for your own instructions page.
Remember also that we may only recruit US workers. This is a University of Rochester policy. By default Amazon lets you recruit from all regions, which in practice means you will get a lot of Indians (2nd largest worker area after the US).
Always include this qualification in your properties file if you do external HITs (changing all of the 2s to the appropriate number based on how many other qualifications you have):
# this is a built-in qualification -- user must be in the United States
If you use the web based interface, when you click "Design", then go to the first tab "Enter Properties" under "Additional Qualifications" be sure to add ''Location is UNITED STATES''.
=== RSRB Survey ===
Any experiment run on MTurk after April 5th, 2013 should always include the survey below starting with this preamble:
{{{#!highlight html numbers=disable
Jaeger Laboratory Participant Questionnaire
This is an optional questionnaire. Answering this questionnaire will not affect your participation in this study, nor will it affect your payment for participation in this study. You may answer some of these questions, all of these questions, or none of these questions. The questions are designed for one of three things:
Provide us with information that will better help us conduct the experiment and analyze the data from the experiment.
Provide us with information regarding participant demographics (age, race, sex, etc.) that is often requested by groups monitoring and/or funding our research. This information is requested by groups such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and the university’s Research Review Board (RSRB) to ensure that human research studies accurately sample the population base of the region. This also helps to make sure that certain population subsets (minorities, females, etc.) are no longer wittingly or unwittingly underrepresented in scientific research data.
If after you complete and submit this questionnaire you later decide that you wish to amend or erase any information you supplied us, please let us know, as you are always free to make changes to this info.
Always use this exact HTML (or at least exact form elements):
{{{#!highlight html numbers=disable
Race (you may check more than one)
If Other:
And make sure that the value of "rsrb.protocol" matches the protocol number your experiment is being run under.
=== Payment ===
Please pay workers in a timely manner. We are required by the RSRB to pay all workers anyway (just like we have to
pay all subjects who come into the lab and are consented). Workers talk on various online forums, and we don't
want to develop a bad reputation when it comes to payment.
Best practice would be to pay workers as soon as a HIT is Reviewable (i.e. all assignments have been completed).
Run the commands to get the results and to approve work back to back.
If you don't want to manually approve work, set the autoapproval time to 24 hours. The default is two weeks. Letting
it go this long annoys workers and has no benefit for us.
You can always block workers after the fact if they did unacceptable work.
== Tips ==
=== Excluding workers who have done a similar HIT ===
Quick HOWTO:
1. you create a qualification
2. assign the qualification to all the workers who did the relevant HIT(s)
3. use the comparator
1. For the External Question type use the new DoesNotExist comparator to exclude workers
2. For the web interface, when choosing qualifications under "Advanced":
i. add the qualification type
ii. choose "has not been granted"
iii. change the "Only Workers who qualify to do my HITs can preview my HITs." radio button to "Yes"
=== Excluding by state ===
=== Mixed Content ===
In recent versions of Chrome (since 21), Firefox (since 23), and IE (since 9), if you mix http and https, the browser blocks all [[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Security/MixedContent|"active" http content]]. The MTurk pages are all https, and iframes (which external HITs are run in) count as "active" content. (Java``Script is also "active" content.)
In those browsers, if you click on the preview of a HIT with mixed content (either as a worker or in the Manage tab on the requester page) you just get a blank page and a message in the Java``Script console something like this:
[blocked] The page at https://requester.mturk.com/mturk/manageHITs? ran insecure content from http://www.hlp.rochester.edu/mturk/experiments/interactive_communication_1?…ignmentId=ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE&hitId=2NKNJQ2172Z9EQJAQ9CC0EBVLXNYQL.
This is a fixable problem.
* Our webserver has a valid SSL certificate, so when we create HITs we need to use https in the URL in the Question file
* Make sure that all links in your HITs are either relative or use https as well.
* As detailed at the MDN page on [[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Security/MixedContent/fix_website_with_mixed_content|fixing mixed content pages]] you should also make sure any scripts are protocol relative like:
Note that there is neither an http or https in the src tag; browsers will automatically choose the right one based on how the page is served.
=== Audio ===
If you intend to play audio, keep in mind that not all browsers support the same formats within the