Differences between revisions 3 and 16 (spanning 13 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2009-08-28 18:53:53
Size: 1033
Editor: platypus
Revision 16 as of 2015-03-12 16:27:36
Size: 5380
Editor: dhcp-10-5-27-102
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * DPpackage
 * ggplot2
 * gsubfn
 * hexbin
 * languageR
 * lme4
 * MCMCglmm
 * multcomp
 * plyr
 * reshape
=== Hadleyverse ===

Hadley Wickham has done more than just about anyone to make R more powerful, expressive, and easy to use for common data analysis tasks.

 * `ggplot2` — Data visualization using grammar of graphics.
 * `dplyr` — Data manipulation pipelines made easy. Noticeably distinct from its spiritual predecessor `plyr`. `dplyr` and `plyr` conflict so don't load both at the same time.
 * `tidyr` — Data cleaning and [[http://blog.rstudio.org/2014/07/22/introducing-tidyr/|tidying]], including reshaping from wide to long (`spread`) and long to wide (`gather`) (replaces `reshape`/`reshape2`). Also has very useful functions like `separate`, for splitting up columns with values like 'beach_b_10' into separate columns with 'beach', 'b', and '10'.
 * `devtools` — Automate common package development workflows. Most useful for [[http://hilaryparker.com/2014/04/29/writing-an-r-package-from-scratch/|writing custom packages]] but also provides idiot-proof installation packages from source on github/bitbucket or arbitrary URLs via `devtools::install_github` etc. (see below).
 * `stringr` and `lubridate` — Processing strings and dates/times with less pain.

=== Everything else ===

 * `knitr` — Literate programming for R. Mix code with text (markdown or LaTeX), and `knitr::knit` will run the code, format the output all purdy, and generate an HTML/PDF report.
 * `lme4` — Mixed effects modeling.
 * `multcomp` — Confidence intervals and stuff I think.
 * `ez` — Attempt at a unified interface for analyzing output of a wide range of models (`lm`, `glm`, `lmer`, `glmer`, etc.)
 * `gsubfn` — More powerful string replacement.
 * `hexbin` — Tired of your boring old square bins? Try some exciting hexbins! Now with two extra sides!
 * `languageR` — Lots of language-specific datasets and code to go along with Baayan's book, "Analyzing Linguistic Data: A practical introduction to statistics".
 * `MCMCglmm` — Does what it says on the tin: Bayesian inference via MCMC for generalized linear mixed models. Much more flexible and powerful than `lme4`, but with a steep learning curve.
 * `DPpackage` — Functions for Bayesian inference via simulation in nonparametric/semiparametric models (e.g. the eponymous Dirichlet Process or "DP").

A quicker way to do it is to copy and paste the following line at your R prompt:
{{{#!highlight r numbers=disable

== From github (source) ==

Sometimes a package isn't available (usually temporarily) as a binary for your platform. If you need to build a package from source, make sure you have the developer tools for your OS installed. For MacOS, they are available on the App Store if you have an up-to-date version of MacOS, or from the [[https://developer.apple.com/downloads/index.action?q=xcode|developer site]] (where you'll need to register for a free account first). You may also need Fortran, available via `homebrew` (`brew install gfortran`; recommended) or from the [[http://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/tools/|MacOS tools]] page on CRAN. [[http://scicomp.stackexchange.com/a/2470|This StackExchange answer]] is a good discussion of the pros and cons of various ways to install Fortran on MacOS. The last thing you'll need (for github etc.) is to install `devtools`.

Let's say I want to install `dplyr` from the github source. I google it and find that it's hosted at [[http://github.com/hadley/dplyr]]. Then, in R:

{{{#!highlight r numbers=disable

Piece of cake.

`devtools` includes a whole family of functions for installing source from pretty much anywhere you might find it. If, for instance, you want to install from the source archive on CRAN (e.g., [[http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/dplyr_0.4.1.tar.gz]]), you can use the `install_url` command:

{{{#!highlight r numbers=disable

Line 23: Line 61:
When you install those packages you will get this warning: ```Warning: dependencies ‘marray’, ‘affy’, ‘Biobase’, ‘Rgraphviz’, ‘’ are not available```. To fix it, install the standard packages from [http://www.bioconductor.org/docs/install/ Bioconductor] by doing the following at the R prompt:
Line 25: Line 62:
{{{ '''I have no idea whether this is still necessary but I'm leaving it here for posterity's sake — Dave'''

When you install the packages above, you may get this warning: ```Warning: dependencies ‘marray’, ‘affy’, ‘Biobase’, ‘Rgraphviz’, ‘’ are not available```. To fix it, install the standard packages from [[http://www.bioconductor.org/docs/install/|Bioconductor]] by doing the following at the R prompt:

{{{#!highlight r numbers=disable
Line 31: Line 72:
biocLite(lib='C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-2.9.1\\library')
{{{#!highlight r numbers=disable
biocLite(lib='C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-2.11.1\\library')
Line 34: Line 75:
adjusting the version number as appropriate. adjusting the version number as appropriate. (n.b. You must have Administrator privileges to install anything under `C:/Program Files/`)

R Packages

1. From CRAN

Install these packages from CRAN. Always check the "install dependencies" box.

1.1. Hadleyverse

Hadley Wickham has done more than just about anyone to make R more powerful, expressive, and easy to use for common data analysis tasks.

  • ggplot2 — Data visualization using grammar of graphics.

  • dplyr — Data manipulation pipelines made easy. Noticeably distinct from its spiritual predecessor plyr. dplyr and plyr conflict so don't load both at the same time.

  • tidyr — Data cleaning and tidying, including reshaping from wide to long (spread) and long to wide (gather) (replaces reshape/reshape2). Also has very useful functions like separate, for splitting up columns with values like 'beach_b_10' into separate columns with 'beach', 'b', and '10'.

  • devtools — Automate common package development workflows. Most useful for writing custom packages but also provides idiot-proof installation packages from source on github/bitbucket or arbitrary URLs via devtools::install_github etc. (see below).

  • stringr and lubridate — Processing strings and dates/times with less pain.

1.2. Everything else

  • knitr — Literate programming for R. Mix code with text (markdown or LaTeX), and knitr::knit will run the code, format the output all purdy, and generate an HTML/PDF report.

  • lme4 — Mixed effects modeling.

  • multcomp — Confidence intervals and stuff I think.

  • ez — Attempt at a unified interface for analyzing output of a wide range of models (lm, glm, lmer, glmer, etc.)

  • gsubfn — More powerful string replacement.

  • hexbin — Tired of your boring old square bins? Try some exciting hexbins! Now with two extra sides!

  • languageR — Lots of language-specific datasets and code to go along with Baayan's book, "Analyzing Linguistic Data: A practical introduction to statistics".

  • MCMCglmm — Does what it says on the tin: Bayesian inference via MCMC for generalized linear mixed models. Much more flexible and powerful than lme4, but with a steep learning curve.

  • DPpackage — Functions for Bayesian inference via simulation in nonparametric/semiparametric models (e.g. the eponymous Dirichlet Process or "DP").

A quicker way to do it is to copy and paste the following line at your R prompt:


2. From github (source)

Sometimes a package isn't available (usually temporarily) as a binary for your platform. If you need to build a package from source, make sure you have the developer tools for your OS installed. For MacOS, they are available on the App Store if you have an up-to-date version of MacOS, or from the developer site (where you'll need to register for a free account first). You may also need Fortran, available via homebrew (brew install gfortran; recommended) or from the MacOS tools page on CRAN. This StackExchange answer is a good discussion of the pros and cons of various ways to install Fortran on MacOS. The last thing you'll need (for github etc.) is to install devtools.

Let's say I want to install dplyr from the github source. I google it and find that it's hosted at http://github.com/hadley/dplyr. Then, in R:


Piece of cake.

devtools includes a whole family of functions for installing source from pretty much anywhere you might find it. If, for instance, you want to install from the source archive on CRAN (e.g., http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/dplyr_0.4.1.tar.gz), you can use the install_url command:


3. From Bioconductor

I have no idea whether this is still necessary but I'm leaving it here for posterity's sake — Dave

When you install the packages above, you may get this warning: Warning: dependencies ‘marray’, ‘affy’, ‘Biobase’, ‘Rgraphviz’, ‘’ are not available. To fix it, install the standard packages from Bioconductor by doing the following at the R prompt:


adjusting lib as appropriate for your OS. The example above is for Mac OS X. For Windows use:

biocLite(lib='C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-2.11.1\\library')

adjusting the version number as appropriate. (n.b. You must have Administrator privileges to install anything under C:/Program Files/)

Rpackages (last edited 2017-05-02 14:41:12 by dhcp-10-5-7-149)

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