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= Useful Unix commands =
One of the wonderful things about Unix is that there is a command to do just about anything you could ever conceive of doing. The tricky part is figuring out what the command is called and what switches it takes to do what you want. This page provides a primer on using some of the most important and useful commands to know.
For more information you can use the `man` command on Unix (e.g. `man wc` for help on the `wc` command), although sometimes man pages can be difficult to understand. Another good resource is to search for the command on [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page|Wikipedia]].
[[#navigation|Navigation]] <
[[#manipulation|File manipulation]] <
[[#permissions|Ownership and Permissions]] <
[[#munging|Text munging]] <
[[#jobs|Job control]] <
== Navigation ==
Before you do much of anything else you need to know where you are and how to get somewhere else. Here are some commands to help you get around.
=== ls ===
The `ls` command lists the contents of the current directory. Useful flags include `-l` to output the listing in long format, which gives more info than just filenames, `-h`, which in concert with `-l` shows file sizes in a more human readable format (i.e. bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, etc. instead of disc blocks or byte count), and `-a`, which shows hidden files. For all of these commands, flags can generally be combined. e.g. `ls -lha` shows the directory listing in long format with human readable file sizes and includes hidden files.
=== cd and chdir ===
`cd` is short for '''c'''hange '''d'''irectory. (In some shells it is also called `chdir`.) The directory can be specified as relative to the current directory (e.g. to go to the ''foo'' subdirectory of the current directory you'd type `cd foo`), relative to the root directory of the system (e.g. to go to the ''bin'' subdirectory of the ''usr'' directory you'd type `cd /usr/bin`), or relative to your home directory (e.g. to go to the ''foo'' subdirectory of your home directory from anywhere on the filesystem you'd type `cd ~/foo`), relative to another user's home directory (e.g. to go to the ''foo'' subdirectory of a user named `bob`'s home directory you'd type `cd ~bob/foo`), or relative the special names `.` (this directory) and `..` (parent directory). You can use the parent directory name an arbitrary number of times (e.g. to go down three directory levels, type `cd ../../../`).
There are also a couple of nice shortcuts. If you type `cd` with no arguments it always takes you back to your home directory. If you type `cd -` it will take you to the last directory you were in before the current one. This can be useful if you were working in a directory like `/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/python2.4/`, went back to your home directory to do something, and want to get back without typing all that again.
=== pushd ===
The `pushd` command puts the current directory on the top of the directory stack and changes to the directory given as an argument.
=== popd ===
The `popd` command takes the top directory off the directory stack and changes to the directory.
=== pwd ===
Probably the most simple command that will be discussed here. All `pwd` does is '''p'''rint the '''w'''orking '''d'''irectory, i.e. show you where you are in the file system.
== File manipulation ==
=== glob ===
Glob is not a command, but it's an important concept for file manipulation. A glob is a way of specifying multiple files that have something in common in their names. There are two globbing characters; the "*", which matches any number of characters and the "?", which matches a single character. e.g. You would type `ls *.txt` to see a listing of all files in the current directory that have an extension of ".txt".
=== mv ===
The `mv` command moves a directory or file. As arguments it takes the source and the destination. It can also be used to rename a directory or file (e.g. `mv foo bar` renames the file ''foo'' to ''bar'').
=== cp ===
The `cp` command copies a directory or file(s). As arguments it takes the source and the destination. It can take a list of files and will interpret the last argument as the destination and the rest as the source.
=== rm ===
The `rm` command removes (aka deletes) a file. This can be a highly dangerous command, because unlike moving things to the Trash Can on a Mac or the Recycle Bin on Windows, the file is gone as soon you hit enter. Combined with globbing it becomes even more dangerous. Always double check (or triple check) your command line when `rm`ing files.
=== mkdir ===
The `mkdir` command makes a directory of the specified name.
=== rmdir ===
The `rmdir` command removes a directory. The directory must be empty to be removed, which can be inconvenient. A much more common way to delete a directory is to use the command `rm -rf`, which removes files (and directories) recursively through the directory structure and forces the delete if need be. This is possibly the most dangerous Unix command. A misplaced space on the command line and you could delete every file and directory in the current directory. e.g. If you typed `rm -rf foo` (note the two spaces before ''foo'') or `rm -rf * .txt` (note the space between "*" and ".txt"), which would delete all files and then the file called ".txt". If you were logged in as a superuser and accidentally typed `rm -rf / foo` (again, note the extraneous space) when meaning to delete ''/foo'' you would delete all files on the system!
=== touch ===
The `touch` command updates the timestamp on a file to the time that you run the command. If the file doesn't exist, it is created. Usually the command is used to create an empty file of the specified name.
=== tar ===
The `tar` command stands for '''t'''ape '''ar'''chive. It was originally written to serialize a number of files together into one file for the purpose of putting them on a tape back up that was easy to restore from. These days it's usually used to archive files together similar to a Zip or Rar file. To create a tar file, type `tar cvf filename.tar filenames`, to unarchive a tar file, type `tar xvf filename.tar`. Most of the time you'll want to compress the file. In that case use the `z` option for gzip or the `j` option for bzip2. (e.g. To create a bzip2'd tar of the directory foo, type `tar cvjf foo.tbz foo/`.) By convention, the extension for gzipped tar files is `.tar.gz` or `.tgz` and the extension for bzip2'd tar files is `tar.bz2` or `tbz`.
== Ownership and Permissions ==
Access to Unix files has traditionally been controlled by permissions based on three levels called ''user'', ''group'', and ''other''. The output of `ls -l` gives you lines like the following:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 2064128 Oct 17 2006 vim
The `-rwxr-xr-x` part is the list of permissions for the file. There are ten slots in the permissions. The first slot tells what kind of file it is. `-` indicates a normal file, `d` a directory, `l` a symbolic link to another file. The other nine slots are three groups of three permissions, one each for ''user'', ''group'', and ''other''. Within each group slot 1 is ''read'', slot 2 is ''write'', and slot 3 is ''execute''. If there is a `-` in a slot it indicates that the permission is not set. So, in the case of the file in the example, it's a normal file that the owner (aka ''user'') can read, write, and execute, the group and everyone else (aka ''other'') can read and execute.
The `root wheel` part gives the owner and group of the file. Our example file is owned by ''root'', who is a special user called the superuser. The file belongs to the ''wheel'' group, which is a special systems administrator group on BSD Unixes.
The rest of the information after the ownership part tells you the file size (`2064128`, in bytes), the last time the file was modified (`Oct 17 2006`) and the filename (`vim`).
=== chown ===
To '''ch'''ange the '''own'''er of a file, use the `chown` command. As arguments it takes the username to give the file to and the file(s) to change. Optionally you can change the group at the same time by putting a colon followed by the group name after the username (e.g. `chown user:group filename`). When used on a directory the `-R` flag performs the change recursively for all files through all subdirectories of the specified directory.
=== chgrp ===
If you just want to change the group a file belongs to, use the `chgrp` command. It works similarly to `chown`.
=== chmod ===
The `chmod` command '''ch'''anges the '''mod'''e (aka permissions) on a file you own. You can specify the permissions two different ways. The more straightforward way is to use the letters `u`, `g`, `o` to specify ''user'', ''group'', ''other'', and `r`, `w`, `x` to specify ''read'', ''write'', ''execute'', and `+` and `-` to give and take away permissions. (e.g. to give the group read and execute permissions do `chmod go+rx filename`.) The more compact way involves numeric permissions. ''read'' has a value of 4, ''write'' 2, and ''execute'' 1. They are then added for a value of 0 to 7 and specified as a group of three for the ''user'', ''group'' and ''other''. (e.g. to set the mode `rwxr-x---` to a file do `chmod 750 filename`.)
=== su ===
The `su` command lets you temporarily change your identity. This is useful for running commands or read files that you don't normally have permission to. You must provide the password of the user you want to `su` to. Given that you should '''never''' under any circumstances give your password to anyone else, this command is of little use to most users. It is primarily used so change to being the root user by administrative users.
=== sudo ===
The `sudo` command lets you run a command as another user. The most common use is to run a command as root, which is the default. There is a file called `/etc/sudoers` that controls who can use `sudo` to run what commands. (The sudoers file can only be read or edited by administrative users.) Normal users are very restricted in what they can do. `sudo -l` shows a list of commands you can sudo.
== Text munging ==
An overarching theme in the design of Unix is that everything is a stream of characters. Consequently there are a number of commands that allow you to manipulate character streams.
=== | ("pipe") ===
Most Unix commands are short, but pipe is just a single character, {{{|}}}, which is usually located on the same key as the backslash. The pipe command allows you to send the output of one command to the input of another. You can string a number of commands this way to make a pipeline where the only the final result is printed.
=== more and less ===
The `more` and `less` commands output the contents of a file one screenful at a time. `more` is the older command and can only go forward through a file, i.e. once text has scrolled by you can't get back to it. `less` is a more sophisticated replacement that allows you to more forward and backward through the file and accepts `vi`-like commands. Hit `h` while `less` is running to see all the commands it accepts. On some systems (e.g. MacOS X) `more` has been aliased to `less`.
=== cat ===
The `cat` command is short for concatenate, although in practice that isn't too helpful to know. What it's useful for is outputting the contents of file to the output, which is generally then piped to another command.
If you have a file of compressed text you don't even have to decompress it to `cat` it, as most systems now have `zcat`, `gzcat`, and `bzcat`, which can `cat` files compressed with `zip`, `gzip`, and `bzip2` respectively.
=== head and tail ===
The `head` command shows you the first ''n'' lines of a file, where the default is 10. You can specify ''n'' with the `-n` switch. The `tail` command does the same, but for the last ''n'' lines instead.
=== grep ===
The `grep` command searches '''g'''lobally for a '''r'''egular '''e'''xpression and '''p'''rints matches. The two most common uses for it are to search for files that contain a specific string or match a regular expression, or to do the same for a stream piped into it.
Like `cat`, `grep` now has variants that handle compressed files. They are called `zipgrep`, `zgrep`, `bzgrep` for `zip`, `gzip`, and `bzip2` respectively.
=== diff ===
The `diff` command shows you the '''diff'''erences between two files. Useful flags include `-b` (ignore changes in white space), `-w` (ignore all white space), and `-B` (ignore changes that are blank lines).
=== sort ===
As you would expect, `sort` takes its input and outputs it in sorted order. Use `sort -r` to sort in reverse, and `sort -f` to fold upper and lower case together (meaning that 'A' and 'a' are treated the same; the default is for A-Z to come before a-z).
=== uniq ===
The `uniq` command filters its input such that if multiple consecutive lines are the same it only prints one instance to the output. To be useful the input needs to be sorted already, and as such it is usually used in a pipeline after `sort`.
=== wc ===
`wc` is short for '''w'''ord '''c'''ount. The default output is the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file. You can use the `-l` (lines), `-w` (words), `-c` (bytes) flags to limit what is shown. You can use the `-m` flag for number of characters, which is only useful for textfiles with multibyte characters, e.g. Chinese or Japanese.
=== cut ===
The `cut` command is used to cut chunks out of lines in a file. The most common flags to use are `-f`, which is by field (tab being the default field separator) and `-c`, which is by character or character range.
=== paste ===
The `paste` command takes an arbitrary number of filenames as arguments and outputs sequentially correspondent lines concatenated together, separated by tabs. In essence, the inverse of `cut -f`.
=== sed ===
`sed` is short for '''s'''tream '''ed'''itor. It's actually a full-fledged programming language, but it's often used to write one line scripts to manipulate a character stream. Highly useful to know how to use, but too complex to discuss in detail here.
=== awk ===
Like `sed` above, `awk` (short for '''A'''ho, '''W'''einberger, and '''K'''ernighan, last names of its creators) is a full programming language that can also be used inline for character stream manipulation. Again, you should learn it, but it's too complex for this page.
== Job control ==
Like Windows and MacOS X, Unix is a multi-user preemptive multitasking operating system. This means that multiple people can be using the system at the same time and that multiple programs can be running concurrently . To allow multiple programs for the same user at the command line, a number of programs exist to manage jobs.
=== ps ===
Short for '''p'''rocess '''s'''tatus, `ps` shows a list of processes and some information about them. With no arguments it shows basic information about processes belonging to the user running the command. It takes a number of different flags about what to show. Some common and useful flags include `a` (show all users' processes), `u` (adds a host of other information about the processes), and `w` (wide, 132 columns instead of 80), `x` (show processes that aren't children of a shell). These can be combined to make commands like `ps auwx`, which gives rather a lot of information about every running process.
=== top ===
The `top` command gives information about system resource usage sorted by top users of a particular resource, task CPU time by default. It is good for helping to identify resource hogging programs on the system so they can be dealt with.
There are several versions of `top` floating around, so check the man page on the system you are on to see what flags and runtime options it accepts. You can always get a brief list of options by hitting `?` or `h` while it is running.
=== jobs ===
For the purposes of job control, all processes are given a job number. To see a list of all of your jobs use the `jobs` command.
=== & ===
The ampersand is not a command; it's a job control flag for the shell. If you put a `&` at the end of your command it will run in the background, freeing you to run other commands without opening a new terminal.
=== ^Z ===
If you are running one program and want to run another without quitting the first, use `^Z` (that is, hold down the `Control` key and hit `z`) to stop (but not quit) the job and return to the command line.
=== bg ===
A job that has been stopped is not getting any CPU time. This may be fine for something like a text editor, but sometimes you have something like a script that has to process a lot of data that can safely be run in the background with no user interaction. In this case use the `bg` command. With no arguments it backgrounds the most recently stopped job, it also can take a job number to background.
=== fg ===
If you want to bring a job to the foreground, use the `fg` command. With no arguments it foregrounds the most recently stopped or backgrounded job, it can also take a job number to foreground.
=== nice ===
If you want to adjust how many resources your process gets, use the `nice` command followed by your command's name. "Niceness" ranges from -20 to 19, with the lower numbers getting more priority. With no argument `nice` gives your process a priority of 10, the default starting priority is 0. Only a superuser can give a process a negative priority.
=== renice ===
To adjust the priority of a running process, use the `renice` command. See the man page for more detail.
=== kill ===
Sometimes you have to kill a hung process. The `kill` command does this for you. It takes a variety of flags for what kind of kill signal to send to the process. The default is 15 (aka `TERM`), which basically asks the program to quit and optionally run any cleanup code it has, if any. A program can ignore this signal and a truly hung program can miss it. If plain `kill` fails you have to use signal 9 (aka `KILL`), which causes the OS to kill it unconditionally. This can leave things in a messy state if the process had any files open, so use `kill -9` sparingly. Some special programs that run constantly in the background (called daemons) also accept signal 1 (aka `HUP` or hangup), which causes them to reset. Most programs quit on receiving a `HUP` signal.
Several `Control` key sequences also send signals. For example, `^Z` (discussed above) sends the `TSTP` (stop) signal to the current foreground process and `^C` sends the `INT` (interrupt) signal, which tells the process to quit.
=== nohup ===
When a process is started as an argument to the `nohup` command, it ignores the `HUP` (hangup) signal sent to all processes when a user disconnects from the system. Normally `HUP` is sent to all processes belonging to a user on a specific terminal at logout or disconnect to prevent zombie (i.e. parentless) processes from running amok. `nohup` is useful if you have a large data processing job that needs no user interaction and you want to logout while its running or could be automatically logged out if you're idle too long, which does hold for the CS systems here.