#acl SnyderLabGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read
#format wiki
#language en
#pragma section-numbers off
= Welcome to the ADAMS lab wiki =
[[https://adams-lab.weebly.com|Lab Website]] (public)<
Contains lab-member bios, links to publications, etc.
[[AdviceForNewResearchers|Advice For New Researchers]] (public)<
[[ExpectationsAndResponsibilities|Expectations and Responsibilities]] (public)<
Policies and values that guide how the lab operates. Please read these if you're interested in joining the lab (must-read for new members).
[[SnyderLabManual|Snyder Lab Manual]] (private)<
Technical manual for the laboratory.
[[AChronicleOfLabTroubles|A Chronicle of Lab Troubles]] (private) <
Journal of ''ad hoc'' troubleshooting efforts (refer to this if you encounter a problem; someone may have figured out the solution already).
(or view [[LabTroublesCategories|lab troubles by category]])
[[LabTechGuide|Guide for Laboratory Technicians]] (private) <
Information specifically for lab managers/technicians
For editing the wiki: [[ForEditingTheWiki|list of pages]] | [[ForEditingTheWiki:documentation|Documentation]] (under construction)