Lab Meeting, Fall 2016, Week 08

Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)

What we did over last week




  1. Added PEP 484 type annotations to all my utility functions in CrowdExp, because they're useful for catching errors in function calls and returns, and I'm becoming a convert to caring about type systems, plus I learned that IDEA supports checking them.




  1. Read about sociophonetics, thought about what it would mean to decide to align oneself with the labels given by a speaker.
  2. Thought a lot about my projects, worried a little, decided to try to work towards some self-imposed deadlines.
  3. Made a mock-up for a possible project with CK and SBS.
  4. Ran more kids, tried to chat with an RA about some coding we want her to do. Mike suggested that Wu and Keysar once had people rate whether they thought something was true or not, without having an explicit measure beyond gut feeling - does anyone else remember this?
  5. Started working on another scholarship.
  6. Bugged Judith.
  7. Forgot repeatedly about fall break...
  8. Started prepping for the first week of Kinder Lab / HLP Lab RA meetings. We meet every other Friday. This week, we're setting a schedule. On Week A we're going to do a tutorial, Week B the more senior students / independent study students will have to present on their research / a paper.





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