Contributions of FEM to Snellen acuity

What are the oculomotor contributions to visual acuity? Here we provide a high resolution characterization of FEM during the Snellen acuity test and measure acuity loss in the absence of the retinal consequences of FEM. We find that microsaccades and drift are finely tuned to the task and contribute 0.15logmar to visual acuity.

Status: In preparation for journal submission.



REPORT: Monocular Snellen test results (updated August 21, 2018)


These results were presented at VSS 2017 - see

Lab Meeting Presentation: September 7, 2016

Lab Meeting Presentation: July 27, 2016

Additional Notes

Using PEST when trials have multiple responses (updated April 4, 2016)

Conversion from Snellen acuity to logMAR acuity (updated May 31, 2016)

A note about permutation testing for changes in diffusion constants (updated August 23, 2018)


(See more detailed overview of resources section in report.)

Experiment and Analysis Code:

Instructions for participants

Projects-Janis-Snellen-MonocularSnellen (last edited 2018-12-09 15:29:07 by JaniceIntoy)

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