Identity Finder
The Identity Finder application can be used to scan a computer for "private" or "confidential" information that shouldn't be there. You can find copies for both Macs and PCs here:
(Please note that this URL only works if you're on-campus or are making a VPN connection into the University).
Mac users should double-click the .zip file to extract the .pkg installer, then double-click the .pkg file to install the software. Windows users can just double-click the .msi file to begin the install procedure.
Installation is straightforward in both cases. Once installed, Mac users will find the "Identity Finder" app in the /Applications folder. Windows users should find it in the Start Menu.
When you run the program, the default search looks for Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, and bank account numbers. These are the things UnivIT is most concerned about. However, if you click on the "Identities" option at the top of the window, you can also select a variety of other things to have it search for. Pick whatever extra items you want (if any), then click the Start arrow at the top left corner of the window.
If it finds anything that shouldn't be on your computer, the program provides several options at the top of the window for expunging the data.
Finally, once you're done and if you no longer want the program on your computer, you can delete it easily enough. Mac users can drag the application to the Trash. Windows users can use the "Programs & Features" control panel to delete the program. Select "Identity Finder" from the list of installed programs, right-click on it, and select the "Uninstall" option.
Problem: OSX won't allow me to run the installer.
Answer: Go into the "Security & Privacy" preference pane in OSX, and under the "General" tab, tell OSX to allow applications downloaded from anywhere.