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Revision 14 as of 2008-02-04 15:18:19
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Editor: platypus
Revision 19 as of 2008-04-30 15:06:46
Size: 8938
Editor: platypus
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 * '''NITE XML Toolkit''' Speech and video annotation tool. [http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/NITE/index.html Nite XML Toolkit website]  * '''NITE XML Toolkit''' - Speech and video annotation tool. [http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/NITE/index.html Nite XML Toolkit website]
 * '''Transcriber''' - Speech and video annotation software written in Tcl at UPenn. [http://trans.sourceforge.net/en/presentation.php Transcriber website]
 * '''ANVIL''' - Speech and video annotation tool. [http://www.anvil-software.de/ ANVIL website]
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 * '''Microsoft Office 2004''' [http://www.microsoft.com/mac/default.mspx Microsoft MacBU website]
 * '''End``Note X1''' [http://www.rochester.edu/it/sitelicenses/endnote.html UR EndNote license site]

== Schleppi ==
15" Mac``Book Pro
 * '''Microsoft Office 2004''' [http://www.microsoft.com/mac/default.mspx Microsoft MacBU website]
 * '''End``Note X1''' [http://www.rochester.edu/it/sitelicenses/endnote.html UR EndNote license site]
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 * '''SSH and SFTP''' - official SSH and SFTP clients site-licensed by University IT. [http://www.infosec.rochester.edu/download/ IT SSH download page]
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 * '''End``Note X1''' [http://www.rochester.edu/it/sitelicenses/endnote.html UR EndNote license site]

Installed Software

We try to have uniformity in the software installed on the computers in the lab. This page contains a list of software installed on them other than the factory default software.

1. Common

This is software that is installed on all of the computers.

  • Active TCL - ActiveState provides a newer version of Tcl/Tk than Apple. It has the added advantage of being a Universal binary that works on PPC and x86, unlike the version that comes with MacOS X 10.4, which is a PPC version that has to run in emulation on an x86 like our iMacs. MacOS X 10.5 has a more current (and Universal) version of Tcl/Tk and consequently doesn't need ActiveTCL. On the PC ActiveTCL provides Tcl/Tk, as Microsoft ships no version. [http://www.activestate.com/Products/activetcl/ ActiveTCL website]

  • Firefox - a popular web browser. [http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ Firefox website]

  • Gimp - An opensource image editing program. Not as powerful as Photoshop, but free instead of over $600, and it does everything a non-poweruser needs. [http://www.gimp.org/ Gimp website] [http://gimp-app.sourceforge.net/ Gimp.app website]

  • Linger - A program written in Tcl/Tk for doing language experiments, particularly self-paced reading studies. [http://tedlab.mit.edu/~dr/Linger/ Linger website]

  • R - The R statistics package. The install includes the optional GNU Fortran in /usr/local/bin/ on the Macs for compiling some R packages that aren't available as binaries. [http://www.r-project.org/ R website]

  • Praat - A phonetic analysis program. [http://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/praat/ Praat website]

  • Vim - Version 7.1 is installed on the PCs. On the Macs is MacVim's gVim, which is the Mac GUI version. The current version is 7.0, whereas the terminal version on MacOS X 10.4 is only 6.2. [http://www.vim.org Vim website] [http://www.macvim.org MacVim website]

  • Git - A source control management system originally written by Linus Torvalds of Linux fame. On Mac and Linux boxes in the lab it's installed in /usr/local/bin. In the CS environment it's installed in /p/hlp/corpora/bin. Not currently installed on the Windows boxes, although it could be. [http://git.or.cz/ Git website]

  • NITE XML Toolkit - Speech and video annotation tool. [http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/NITE/index.html Nite XML Toolkit website]

  • Transcriber - Speech and video annotation software written in Tcl at UPenn. [http://trans.sourceforge.net/en/presentation.php Transcriber website]

  • ANVIL - Speech and video annotation tool. [http://www.anvil-software.de/ ANVIL website]

2. iMacs

The iMacs in the lab have the same software as much as possible.

  • Apple Developer Tools - Located in /Developer are the Apple developer tools including XCode and Interface builder. This also puts GCC in /usr/bin/. [http://developer.apple.com/ Apple Developer Connection]

  • Adium - A multi-protocol IM client. It does AIM, Google Talk, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, and several others. [http://www.adiumx.com/ Adium website]

  • Aquamacs Emacs - A Mac friendly GUI for Emacs. [http://aquamacs.org/ Aquamacs website]

  • MacPython - The default version of Python that comes with MacOS X 10.4 is rather old (2.3.5) and doesn't support readline command line editing and history. MacPython provides a more up to date version with readline. Versions 2.4.4 and 2.5.1 are installed, but Current is pointed at 2.4.4 due to some libraries not being available for 2.5 yet. If you want a specific version type python2.3, python2.4, or python2.5 at the command line. Mac OS X 10.5 comes with Python 2.5.1 and a host of extra packages, so MacPython is not necessary on it. [http://www.pythonmac.org/packages/ MacPython website]

  • MacTeX 2007 - The MacTeX users group provides a package that includes a recent version of the TeTeX port of LaTeX along with the TeXShop LaTeX editor and BibDesk BibTeX bibliography manager. [http://www.tug.org/mactex/ MacTeX website]

  • NeoOffice - A Mac native port of the OpenOffice.org office suite. [http://www.neooffice.org/ NeoOffice website]

  • Remote Desktop Connection - Microsoft provides a program to allow Mac users to connect remotely to a PC running Windows. [http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/remote-desktop/default.mspx Microsoft RDC Mac website]

  • SBCL - Steel Bank Common Lisp. An opensource implementation of ANSI Common Lisp, forked from Carnegie Mellon University's CMUCL. [http://sbcl.sourceforge.net/ SBCL website]

  • sshfs - A program that allows you to mount a remote filesystem over ssh. It's kind of like a hybrid of ssh and sftp, but built into the Finder. [http://code.google.com/p/macfuse/ MacFUSE website]

  • subversion - A popular version control system. [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion website]

3. Platypus

Platypus is a 20" iMac running MacOS 10.5

4. Schleppi

15" MacBook Pro

5. Common on PCs

This is software that all the PCs have.

6. Tracker

Tracker is a Dell Dimension E521 running Windows Vista Business. It has some software specific to it that has been installed as needed.

7. Poser

Poser is a Dell Precision 390 running Windows Vista Ultimate. Most of the software specific to it is related to image editing.

InstalledSoftware (last edited 2013-05-03 19:48:31 by echidna)

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