Lab Meeting, Fall 2016, Week 10
This week Laura Gwilliams from NYU will be giving a talk. She's interested in speech perception. Please read McMurray et al (2009), if you don't already know it and remember it well.
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
Arnold, J. E. (2016). Explicit and Emergent Mechanisms of Information Status. Topics in Cognitive Science. - ANP
Baltaretu, A., & Ferreira, T. C. (2016, September). Task demands and individual variation in referring expressions. In The 9th International Natural Language Generation conference (p. 89). - ANP
McMurray, B., Tanenhaus, M. K., & Aslin, R. N. (2007). Within-category VOT affects recovery from “lexical” garden paths: Evidence against phoneme-level inhibition. Journal of Memory and Language.
Ryskin, Qi, Duff, & Brown-Shmidt (2016). Verb Biases Are Shaped Through Lifelong Learning. People can learn new verb biases for argument interpretation -- e.g. in "Bop the bunny with the flower", "bop" biases ppl to interpret "with the flower" as an instrument rather than attribute of the bunny. Here they show that ppl can adapt to these preferences with repeated exposure to initially unbiased verbs. - WRB
What we did over last week
- Mostly teaching related preparation and other overdue organizational things.
Feedback on GURT abstracts.
Feedback on Shaorong's proposal to study visual and lexical-level adaptation using ERP.
Review: 1
- Recorded a Polish speaker for BCS 206
- Met with Linda on talker similarity task, test run, piloted first round of data
- Met with Leslie on phonetic analysis
- Started online Javascript coding tutorial
- Revised manuscript to JML
Talked to the KurTan lab about my uncertainty with approaching uncertainty as a topic of study.
- Finished reading judith's paper, thought about it a bunch, failed to send her notes. will do so this week.
- Met with Si On Yoon about a collaboration / plan to look at an aspect of uncertainty on the kinds of expectations listeners might have for how a speaker is likely to label a thing.
- Emailed with Geertje about an eigenlijk follow up project / maybe setting up shop at the MPI for a bit next summer, if I'm going to be in Europe for a bit.
- Met with Chigusa and Wes about Wes' study. Thought of an interesting follow up.
- Asked Greg for a reference letter for a scholarship I'm applying for via the APA.
- Wrote a first draft abstract for the CSLI workshop at Stanford.
- Worked on my APA scholarship application, tried to work through some of the study ideas.
- Thought about Huang and Snedeker (2013) for the APA and as a first setup for the new eyetracker in the Kinder Lab.
1. Wrote and submitted functional load abstract to GURT 1. Learned about threading in Python, trying to speed up scripts 1. Worked on the grouped subtitle results report, draft #1 1. Visited Philadelphia for Penn reunion 1. Did some web-scraping for funsies
- Wrote and submitted abstract to GURT on the old Bradlow and Bent data. Now back to Pen in Mouth writing for Bubble Fusion tomorrow.
- Met with Xin (and separately, Flo) to talk about the details about the new task for assessing talker similarity.
- Created lists (biggest headache to balance) for said talker similarity task.
- Updated survey and put together the talker similarity task in general. Debugged, and getting ready to run a pilot!
Gave Command Line 101 Tutorial in RA Meeting. I think Henry's mind was blown by the power of the command line.
Met with new KurTan RA briefly about gesture task.
- Went to Home Depot (I drove!), and did some hard core home winterization over the weekend. It's too early for this stuff, why Rochester?!
- Hacked together last-minute NSF proposal
- Submitted GURT abstract
More analysis for NRT data. Turns out when we actually assume the right prior, our data looks just like the simulations
- Presented in Cognition on spreading-activation models of semantic memory. Fun discussion!
- Figured out why all of my simulations of Klinton's data are wonky, fixed them. Did some power analyses to determine new VOTs to test.
- Trying to program replication of Klinton's study and ripping my hair out over js-adapt
- Revising the ERP proposal
- Did some straightforward math for contextual diversity and realized that our hypothesis only hold under very specific assumptions. Ran into Frank and talked to him about the problem, he suggested using long-tail prior like zipf distribution. Will try that.
- Analyzed data for NRT course. Null effect. And also the intercept is in the opposite direction as predicted by the model.