Lab Meeting, Autumn 2016, Week 12
Reading for this week: Bradlow and Bent (2008)
Awe- and Aw-inspiring readings (or just stuff you think deserves a mention)
Discovered rleid function from data.table package in R. Makes assigning temporary IDs to consecutive sequences of data trivially easy, even when the grouped factor repeats (I'm looking at you, MTurk workers). --LL
A Bayesian Approach to Logistic/Probit Mixed Effects Analysis of Repeated Measures Accuracy Studies --TFJ
Tip: To make the new RStudio to draw plots like it did in previous versions, click on "Preferences" > "R Markdown", and then uncheck "Show output inline for all R Markdown documents" as well as "hide console automatically when executing notebook chunks"
What we did over last week
Feedback on modeling of N400 responses based on recent experience (Gina, Emily, Nate)
Feedback on results reports to Zach (2), Wednesday (1)
Reviewed 1 (JML)
Letters about 3
Administration post-doc search, grad school queries
- Setup MTurk accounts and met with Linda about general procedures
- Created experiment for BCS 206 group
- Created priming experiment (feedback, timing issues, new instructions)
- Vowel analysis for talker similarity project
- So much RSRB crap
- Finally found the cause of the NAS filling up; it was a built in intrusion prevention app that spews gigabytes of log files daily. Disabled it and deleted the logs. Will reenable with the misbehaving rule disabled once the disk is cleaned up.
- Helped Xin get all the accounts and access to accounts she needs to get running on MTurk.
Worked on getting CrowdExp to the point where SPR experiments can be tested (by students and teaching staff) and approved for running
Read some of the docs for Redux, which is a JS state container package, intended as a "single source of truth" for writing React apps, since React doesn't provide its own data store.
- Updated the lab website a couple times. Should be up to date with everyone's personal websites. Also Google site ownership verification meta tags on every page now (helps with analytics and keeping our page rank up).
Gave my website a new look.
- Ran some participants for Wes' project on Turk.
- Edited Wes' NCUR abstract.
- Finished writing a draft of my APF application, drafted a budget, and timeline. Science costs a lot of money, yo. Also, by the time we meet I'll have submitted it.
- Thought more about uncertainty, realized I missed my chat with LL about it (sorry!), and met with Mike to plan out the first two pilots.
Skimmed Michael Tessler & Noah Goodman's paper on the pragmatics of generics for ESP.
- Ran new Pupillometry experiment, updated results reports
- Elections
Started a new package for my project-independent functions, zplyr.
- Grading for BCS 152 exam
- Pulling together code for accent modeling project
- Taking AP's recommended statistical inference coursera course.
- Entering hard core prep mode for quals. Starting to really prioritize this over other things starting this weekend. Reading a LOT. Started thinking about the sorts of questions for quals, and aiming to have some written up by the end of the week.
- Began going through Kodi's analysis for BB08, and am refatoring a couple of things to make it more friendly to join the similarity results to for future analysis. Also while I'm going through this, I've been simultaneously writing up the results for BB08 paper.
- Read a bit about multidimensional scaling (and ran my first one in R with some promising results).
- Analysis on BB08 similarity data in prep for lab mtg presentation this Thursday, and in preparation for getting a CUNY draft to Flo in the very near future.
- Getting ready for a week of writing 9am-1pm at the writing center for that study they are running.
- Graded for BCS 111 Cognition Exam.
- Met with Xin a couple of times to walk her through some debugging tips and MTurk pipeline. Also talked to her about the similarity project state.
Met with Mike to talk about Gesture project and next steps. Discussed the weirdness of the 3rd person perspective we had set up in our current online experiment. Met with KurTan RA (Katie) to discuss creation of stimuli for dual attribution gesture project.
- Showed js-adapt who's boss
- Finished up power simulations of stimuli for follow-up on NRT experiment
- Put together final lists for Bicknell replication
Prepared presentation for KurTan meeting on uncertainty maintenance. Ended up not giving it because I got sick :(...but on the bright side, when I do present in their lab meeting later this semester I'll have some actual results
Website is finally live! Still want to add some more in-depth descriptions about my research projects, but I have something up at least.
- Graded exams
- Started to work on CUNY abstract
- Writing up the scripts for the norming study (Chinese Radical). Asked Chigusa to use their lab's Qualtrics account. Now almost ready to go.
- Met with Frank and talked about contextual diversity. Planing building a small corpus to estimate word frequency under different topics.